Chapter 3- entire picture

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Abhimanyu pov

I kept running and running till I finally made it to the royal garden, there in between the plants I sat on a bench panting, still gasping for breath, not because I was tired,
after all I was a warrior and had great stamina but I think a part of me forgot to breathe from the shock of discovering.... Well I don't even know what I just discovered.

I just tried to get out of there as fast as possible to prevent alarming pitamahi of my presence. I didn't even get time to think about what happened

After calming myself, I finally began to think properly... so angraj is pitamahi's son?

But how?

I try to connect the dots with my limited information, so firstly pitamahi said that angraj is sutyaputra, which means his father is suryadev. No wonder he has divine kavach and kundal symbolising the sun, although I have never seen him, I have heard praises of his looks far and wide with many saying his face glows like the sun in comparison to that he can also look at the sun in broad daylight without being harmed.

I know that my pitashree and uncles are born from the mantra prasads of various devtas, like pitashree from indra dev, kakashree bheem from vayu dev and so on, so its likely that pitamahi conceived angraj from the same boon, but angraj is 12 - 13 years older than kakashree Yudhishtir.. that means...

End of Abhimanyu pov

???: Bua gave birth to vrisha before her marriage.

Someone spoke from behind Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu: mamashree aap?
(Mamashree you?) Abhimanyu said a little startled

Krishna: I was just wondering around, thinking of strategies to prank parth when he returns then I saw you lost in thoughts so I couldn't help but read your mind. Krishna replied with a sheepish grin

Abimanyu: Forget that, do you know about angraj's lineage mamashree? And what pitamahi was talking about!
Asked Abhimanyu rather eagerly, anticipating an answer

Krishna's smile vanished and he started to look serious, which Abhimanyu didn't know how to feel about, then..

Krishna sighs

Krishna: look abhi I will tell you everything if you promise me not to reveal anything, ok? I'm about to tell you what you heard in bua's chamber
Krishna said slowly sitting beside abhimanyu

Abhimanyu: I promise mamashree! Now please tell me what all this is about!" Said abhimanyu without thinking as the only that mattered to him now were the answers to his questions

Krishna: fine, but you must not talk about it to anyone... only if the person is already aware of it. But you must not REVEAL the secret

Abhimanyu: yes, yes mamashree!! I won't now please begin!

Krishna: many, many years ago..
Krishna began

Abhimanyu: even before you were born mamashree?
Asked abhimanyu curiously

Krishna gave abhimanyu a done face along with a slight glare, hiding his playfulness

Krishna: I am not that old..

Krishna: if you interrupt me again I won't give you your answers
Said krishna looking angry and serious when he was actually just pretending

Abhimanyu: No! I won't interrupt I promise just answer me please
Said abhimanyu with puppy eyes and his hands folded

Krishna: everyone just thinks of me as an answering machine! Always asking me to answer their questions its not fair and now you too abhi?! I have feelings too you know!
Huffed krishna cutely, whining

Abhimanyu: O please mamashree I'm aware of your antics now will you please continue the 'many, many years ago' story please! Said abhi said impatiently

Krishna: ok, so many years ago when great sage Durvasa came to visit kuntibhoj, bua was in charge of taking care of him and his needs so his stay would be comfortable, impressed by her hospitality, when it was time to leave, sage Durvasa gave her a boon that she could invoke any god of her choice except for the tridevs, and conceive a child from that god. Kunti being a naive teenager started doubting the power of the mantra and began to think if the mantra is really real? When curiosity took the best of her, one day early morning while praying to lord suryanarayan, she decided to chant the mantra and see if suryadev would come for real, but once he did, kunti started panicking, trying to explain that she was a mere teenager and couldn't bear a child at this age but suryadev reminded her that according to sage durvasa's boon, he was bound to give her a part of him in the form of a child and he couldn't return before doing so. After suryadev had transferred a part of his light into kunti's womb she was left with no option than to seek help from her best friend and head maid, priyamvada. After telling her everything, priyamvada suggested she take her father's permission to go to the forest for a year to pray for getting a good husband when it was actually to hide her pregnancy. After relentless explaining, the maharaj of kuntibhoj obliged and let her go with priyamvada. After 9 months a Beautiful healthy baby boy was born with divine kavach and kundal, he was none other than karna. As much as kunti adored her son, she knew she had to let him go as he was born to her when she was unmarried and couldn't risk tainting her image, her father's image and her kingdom's reputation so fearing society she took a huge decision which she would later regret.. she chose to put a baby karna in a basket with a few gold coins and flowers and flow the basket in the holy river of ganga leaving it upon devi ganga to decide the fate of her firstborn. She didn't even know if he would survive or not but nonetheless after a year she returned to kuntibhoj and got married to pandu. While on the other side karna was found by his adoptive parents, mahoday adhirath and devi radha, they took him in like their own son and nurtured him.

Krishna finished taking a deep breath after saying so much even tears welled up in his eyes after he once again remembering the cruel fate of his friend. Yes, friend, krishna is friends with karna just like he is with arjun and karna has also always respected krishna despite being on kauravas side

Meanwhile, abhi was becoming light headed from so much information all at once..

To be continued..

Thanks for reading!

Finally! Abhi knows the whole truth!
But what is he gonna do from now as krishna has made Abhimanyu promise he won't tell anyone about this? Continue reading to find out!

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Holy- that was a long chapter! Hope you didn't get tired especially while reading krishna's explanation cause that was loooong anyways this is the longest chapter so far.. i might make longer chapter in the future

Anyways Byee!

Word count: 1123

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