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Abhimanyu pov

"What? Really mata?!" I questioned my mother because I couldn't believe what I had just heard.

Excitement and anticipation flooding my mind with each growing second.

End of Abhimanyu pov

"Yes putra, your father, uncles and jyesht mata will be arriving in Dwarka a week from now." Said subhadra with a gentle smile on her face.

"I-I am going to meet pitashree, jyesht mata and kakashree! I-I can't believe it! I have to tell pitamahi, she would be overjoyed with the news of their arrival! I'll go tell her right now!" Said Abhimanyu almost jumping with excitement as he rushed outside the chamber.

Abhimanyu pov

Is this a dream? If it is, I don't want to wake up! I can't believe I'm finally going to meet my family! Growing up I had endless question on why have I never met pitashree? Where is jyesht mata? Where are my uncles? Why don't  we live with them? And why does everyone get so uncomfortable or angry when someone mentions them?

It was only a year ago, when I was 14 that my mother told me everything about my family from indraprasth to the dyut sabha and what had happened. And that changed my way of thinking forever, it made me absolutely loathe kakashree if I should even call them, Duryodhan and Dushaasan but most of my anger was soley reserved for gandhar raj. It made feel disgusted to even call them my family after what they had done.

Ever since then, I vowed to participate in the Mahabharat as soon as my family returns and avenge my jyesht mata for the heinous crime done with her, being the purest person she was wrongfully accused of being impure and she had been called so many disgusting names in that sabha especially by angraj karn, he's not only Duryodhan's best friend but also a so-called dharmgyani if so, then how could he call my jyesht mata a vaishya! And people call him a person who follows dharma?!

Although I hate to admit that my father and uncles also failed to protect mata and wrongfully gambled her away, atleast they repented for it! They all vowed to avenge her and bring justice and being exiled for 13 years shows how they've repented. But the kauravas and angraj? What have they done? Sit back enjoy the luxuries of a palace and being the yuvraj? Break my family apart? Make the strongest woman I have ever seen be  humiliated? And even if they did repent or even regret it a tiny bit, they're way too late, their crimes are unforgivable and their destruction is necessary to show humanity the consequences of disrespecting a woman. Now no amount of protection can save them from the wrath of the pandavas, the destruction of the mahabharat!

Anyways, I shake off those thoughts as I don't want to spoil my mood on such a happy moment.

"I can't wait to see pitamahi's reaction she'll be overjoyed!" I said while giggling. And hurrying over to pitamahi's chamber.

I was about to enter when I heard slight crying noises coming from inside.

"Is pitamahi crying? Did something happen? I shoud probably check on her." I whispered to myself, my mood changing drastically, from excitement to worry

Preparing to go inside and see whats wrong or maybe console pitamahi, I stepped inside, but right before I could place my foot on the ground, I heard something enough to render me many sleepless nights.

"Putra Karna"


Thanks for reading!

What do you think is going to happen? Abhimanyu heard his pitamahi remember his father's arch nemesis? What does that mean? Well he's going to find out about the secret in the next chapter so stay tuned!

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