Chapter 25- mahabharat Day 1

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I'm not some expert who knows exactly what happened on each day of the war so if I get anything wrong or miss something, I sincerely apologise and please correct me because I'm getting all this information of what happened on each day of the war from wikipedia

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First day of mahabharat

Abhimanyu pov

It was the first day of the war, kakashree Yudhishtir had chosen yuvraj drishtdyum as the senapati of our army

Everyone was up and ready, after mata draupadi did our aarti, we departed to the battlefield

It was a few more minutes before sunrise and our army and the kaurav army were standing infront of each other, face to face eager to attack

Blood was pumping through my veins like never before, I tighten my grip on my bow

I scan the kaurav army, right now they have the upper hand as they have 4 akshuni sena more than us and also undefeatable warriors like gangaputra bheeshm, guru dron and maharathi karna.

Thankfully due to mahamahim, tatshree wasn't on the battlefield. And I know that even today after being on the kauravas side, mahamahim bheeshm and guru dronacharya are hoping for the pandavas victory and won't fight with their whole strength against the pandavas but that doesn't stop them from fulfilling their oaths and duties as yuvraj duryodhanhas appointed mahamahim bheeshm as the senapati of the kaurav army so eliminating both of them is must, maybe not today but it must happen

The first rays of sunlight start to appear and mamashree blows the conch. Thus marking the beginning of one of the most gruesome wars in history

Both the sides rampage towards each other. Foot soldiers, soldiers on horses, soldiers on elephants everyone starts attacking, killing each other in the most brutal manner

I also instruct my charioteer to advance towards the hastinapur alliances, and start showering my arrows on the kaurav army with all my might

Many corpses from both sides start filling the once holy land of kurushetra, which is now occupied by rivers of flowing blood and the stench of corpses starts flooding the kurushetra air

Many brave soldiers, brutally massacred, I can't put the sight into words it was truly horrifying piles and piles of dead bodies, some stabbed, some with no eyes, legs, hands, body parts scattered everywhere

Watching this war unfold, I realised that these mere soldiers are actually braver than many kings and maharathis, sacrificing their lives for their king and their land when they are unrelated to whatever is happening and the war

I continue to bring upon death on my opponents, not letting myself rest for even a second

Sunset creeps closer and soon the sound of the conch fills my ears, forcing me and everyone present to lower their weapons as it is forbidden to attack after sunset

Today the kauravas won

We return to our camp, and are greeted by everyone, mamashree consoles kakashree Yudhishtir that victory would eventually be ours

A part of me is glad I didn't run into vrish, but I know this can't go on forever and I just cling on the hope of mamashree's words that "a secret can never remain hidden, even if it takes time the truth will have to come out sooner or later" but just how much longer!?

When will pitamahi reveal the truth to tatshree! Or atleast someone else!

I sleep with uncertainty and multiple thoughts clouding my mind of the next day

To be continued..

Thanks for reading!

I know virat's sons and uttara brother are supposed to be killed on the first day but as I said earlier, uttara is the only daughter and doesn't have any brothers so uttar and her other brothers don't exist in this story

Keep reading to find out what happens on the second day!

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