MW3: 2

800 31 0

The plane's turbulence occasionally jolts the crew, but to Nosia, serves as a gentle rock like a mother cradling her baby. Her head drops, her chin resting on her thick vest. As her head sways gently from side to side, it eventually falls on a shoulder, where she rests comfortably for the next passing minutes.

Fast asleep, she's suddenly woken with a jolt, her eyes shooting open as she looks ahead, bringing her sniper to her chest as she focuses her disoriented mind. She looks to her left side where Ghost stares down at her through his mask, his eyelids heavy from sleep depravity. She flashes a sleepy smile before sitting up straight, checking her watch. They should be arriving soon.

And just on time, the jumpmaster exits the cockpit and stands before the ramp door. "One minute." He calls out, the four standing from their seats, backends stiff. After a 30 second countdown, the four stand at the ready, the ramp opening as a harsh gusts of wind and blinding rays of the sun beam their way in.

Price stands before them, his back to the sky as everyone focuses their attention on him. "Pull altitude is 2000 AGL!" He shouts over the winds.

"Cutting it close!" Nosia responds, glancing out the exit to the structures and ground level visibly close beneath.

"That's how we do!" Gaz responds, an assured look on his face.

"Roger up at rally point!" Ghost commands, reaching his fist to Nosia.s as they bump together before facing the exit once more.

Price and Gaz jump first, rallying to secure the perimeter, Ghost and Nosia following behind, separated by the fall. The cool November winds slap against Nosia's skin, leaking through the fabric of her uniform and sending a chill down her spine as she falls through the sky, falling into a diving position. Gaining closer to the ground and cutting through the clouds, the small structures of the powerplant become fully visible as she was now nearing to ground level.

Tugging the release, the parachute pops open, yanking her back and nearly taking her breath as it slows her descent. She holds the wires of the parachute, guiding her way down between two trailers on the ground, sticking her landing as boots meet dirt, pulling her knife and separating herself from the parachute.

Quickly pulling her M16 to firing position, she doesn't hesitate to move forward.

"Scope, you see those helo's from the sky?" Ghost calls to her through the radio.

"Affirmative." She responds.

"Use your C4 to take 'em out. Don't want whatever Konni's planning takin' flight."

"Yes, sir." She responds obediently, the hint of a cheeky grin on her lip as she continues ahead.

Keeping close to the walls, she cuts through the rubble of construction and unfinished buildings. "Ghost, are you picking up radiation spikes?" She calls out softly, keeping her voice low to avoid alerting her position.

"Negative. Already checked, the helo's scan clear."

"Time to go boom."

"The bigger, the better." He responds, spotting a helicopter himself to sabotage. "Eyes on helo. Work quietly until I engage."

"No promises, LT."

Ghost shakes his head at her cheeky response, sneaking around the building to crates stacked near the helicopter where he silently takes out the two Konni scouting the area. Not too far away, Nosia does the same, nearly getting caught as she performs a takedown on one, having to act quickly and fire her silenced pistol at another making approach.

"I'm clear. You ready Scope?"

Letting out an exhale as her heart calmed, she calls back, confirming. The pair stick two sets of C4 onto the helicopters to assure destruction where Nosia waits, listening for the explosion as her go. With a few seconds of silence passing, she hears the distant boom of Ghost's work, detonating her target as well from behind cover.

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