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With thunder roaring from above, the orange streetlights setting the atmosphere through the tight corners and streets of the city, Nosia sneaks with Ghost's knife tight in hand. She quietly hurries to approach behind an unsuspecting soldier who just wanted a quick smoke, and as she charges, she knocks the man back and quickly grabs his mouth with the blade to his throat as they both sat on the wet cement.

"White flag, or death?" She whispers into the mans ear. His eyes flicker back and forth as he starts to struggle with her legs wrapped around his torso, but he finally eases, loosening his tense body in her arms.

"Good choice." She says, punching him unconscious, dragging his body through a close-by store and taking his pistol.

"Simon, I took out a Shadow and got his gun."

"Keep sharp, don't draw attention you can't handle." He says back.

"Trust me, there isn't a lot I can't handle." She whispers in reply, quickly checking the mag.

"I like the sound of that." He responds.

As she continues down the street, weapon hot prepared for anything, her overbearing thoughts get the best of her as she sneaks in silence. A haunting feeling shadowed over her shoulders as the sound of rain droplets plopping into puddles was only thing filling in the stillness of her surroundings. "Simon." she calls.

"What's up?"

"Just want to hear your voice." She says softly. "It's quiet out here." 

"Quiet is good. Just don't lose yourself." He says back.

She doesn't reply for a moment as she continues down the street, passing more civilian corpses. But as she continues in silence, the soft patter of her quiet footsteps filling the emptiness as rain droplets fall from above, she can't help but let her thoughts get the best of her. 

"Why didn't you look for me...?" She suddenly asks. 

Radio static crackled as he remained silent for a moment. "I wanted to, but I had no choice." He finally replies.

"So much for no man left behind." She teases, cracking a smile but truthfully feeling a bit hurt. To be betrayed by ones higher-ups and nearly escape death, she couldn't help but feel abandoned with an overwhelming feeling of distrust. 

"Just get yourself to the church. I'm trying to keep you alive and get you here in one piece. I want us both alive to tell the tail.

"Taking a liking to me, then?" She flirts.

"Never disliked you." He responds, raising Nosia's brows in shock as she smiles, creeping through the streets tight against the wall. Their small banter back and forth did well to distract her. Ghost understood what she felt in this moment, as it was something he'd always been prepared for, but not everyone shared his mindset. But as her Lieutenant, the best he could do was motivate her to survive. 

Ahead she sees a group of soldiers standing around on post, their flashlights lit at the tip of their rifles. Nosia sneaks into a nearby alley, laying the trip mine just outside on the street hidden in the shadows. As she tucks against the wall, she peeks one more time to the men before whistling, catching their attention.

Their chatter falls silent as she watches their lights shine her way, gaining closer and missing right over the trap. She squeezes her eyes shut as she hears their steps gain in, then BOOM.

She looks around the corner, their corpses sprawled across the ground. She didn't smile, having wanted to avoid violence against men she used to work alongside, but she had no choice. Like Ghost said, this was guerrilla warfare now. One man waving a white flag was chance, three heavily armed men doing the same was pushing her luck.

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