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Captain Price sits alone at the top of a tower in an elegant, tasteful penthouse. The city below was busy as the sun began to set, casting everything below it in an orange glow. The tinted windows of the room dimmed the sun as Price flicked on a lamp to light the surface of the desk.

He pulls a vanilla file from the drawer beside his leg, laying it out before him unopened. Printed on the bottom left corner was a photo of a young woman in military fatigues, a straight face as she stares into the camera. Her orange hair was just at shoulder length, neatly brushed with a slight wave pattern. Curling his lip, he pulled his chair closer and flipped the folder open, revealing her files.

Practically her entire life starting from her service was there in his hands, leaving him a lot to read. He skimmed through, noting her service in the Polish Armed Forces since the age of 18. She was currently the rank of Sergeant, in U.S. military terms, and had more than earned that rank throughout her years as well as within her service with the SAS. He thought back to his first meeting of her, the first mission she was sent on during her recruitment into the SAS, and he admired her skills with a sniper.

As he continued reading, he finally closed the file after ten minutes, taking a pen and with a satisfied smirk, writing beneath her photo. He pushed himself from the desk, taking his phone and pulling a number from his contacts, bringing the phone to his ear as it began to ring, playing with his moustache while awaiting a response. Finally, he perks up as he hears a voice on the other end.

"Got another one. Nosia Novak, aka, Scope." He simply states.


Night was high as the moon watched over the soldiers below, scurrying around like ants protecting their home. The SAS landed a successful strike on the Iranian General Ghorbrani with the Al-Qatala during an illegal arms deal in Al Mazrah, and after short celebration, General Shepherd who commanded the taskforce that landed the successful assassination, soon realized this fight wasn't over.

Terrorist activity began to spike as Hassan, second in command to Ghorbrani, rises to command of the Iranian forces and struck many illegal weapon deals across Iran. General Shepherd called together once more taskforce 1-4-1 and the Shadow Company to fight back and take out Hassan.

Captain Price was more than happy to oblige, but not before recruiting an additional member, Sgt. Nosia Novak. She had briefly, but successfully, aided him and Ghost in their last mission against Al-Qatala, acting as the team's sniper.

But Al-Qatala was back. And Price didn't trust anyone with this mission more than his team 1-4-1, and Nosia. And with approval from Shepherd, she was officially recruited and called upon before the team made action.

The chipper young woman hops out the back of the truck that'd delivered her and fellow soldiers on the military installation in Al Mazrah. Tension was high as the helicopter with its hanger door open sat awaiting, engine fired and blades spinning while more than a handful of Shadow Company soldiers pile inside. The gust of wind from the blades slapped against Nosia as she looked up to the night sky, the moon and stars sparkling from above.

"You ready Sgt. Scope? Wheels up in five." General Shepherd asks through the comms. "More than ready, sir!" She shouts back over the screams of the engines and wind. She holds her night-vision helmet in place as she looks down, meeting her eyes with Lt. Ghost.

"Fuckin' hell." He simply states as he spots her.

"Marines are loading in now. You and the Sergeant are leading the way on this." Shepherd says to both Ghost and Nosia over the comms.

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