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Her consciousness slowly faded in and out, fighting the darkness as she tried to pry her eyes open. Her body felt heavy, unable to move her arms as she felt herself being dragged, head scraping along the floor. She was cold, shivering with every heavy heartbeat that pulsed through her veins, trying to breathe but every inhale paining her.

She finally opens her eyes, looking down her body to see Hassan dragging her by her ankle. Her hearing slowly faded back in as he looked down to her. "I told you your nation would see fire. You think you can stop me?" He says, his voice echoing quietly in her head.

As they approach the window, he drops her leg, looking back to her with the dark city behind him, holding his side as he faced the window once more.

"Simon..." She whispered into the comms, her voice dry.

"Nosia..." He responds immediately.

"Watch the window..." She forced out with a wheeze, dropping her arm to the floor from exhaustion as Hassan set a breach on the windowpane, walking back to her as it set off, shattering the glass. He drops his gun, reaching down and grabbing her by her vest and forcing her up to her feet, her head dangling as she struggled to find strength.

"We are not attacking. We are invading." Hassan says with a smile, holding her by the chest of her armor, inches from her face, her legs shaking and struggling to stand as Hasssan shook her with anger.

Atop the building next door, Ghost hurries to the edge, taking Nosia's sniper and positioning it on the edge of the rooftop. Hassan slowly pushes Nosia closer to the window, threatening her with every step, when Ghost aimed in on him with the crosshair lined up, firing and finally killing Hassan, blowing his body back as Nosia tripped, falling to her knees just next to him.

She looks up with the cold air rushing in from outside as her heavy breaths were visible. She looks to Hassan's body, the bullet wound clean through his head, and looks back to the building where Ghost was.

"Perfect shot, Lieutenant." She forces out into the radio.

"You called it, Sergeant." He replies. "All stations--Hassan's down. Enemy KIA."

Nosia lays flat on the ground, finally giving in and able to relax, staring up to the ceiling as she reaches for the wound in her side, looking to her glove that was now soaked in her own blood. She smiles as her vision starts to go fuzzy, dropping her hand and closing her eyes.

Ghost and Price hurry with a rescue heli over to her position, hovering it just across the window Hassan blew open. Ghost's heart sank as he noticed the pool of blood aside Nosia's stiff body, her lips pale. He jumps off the heli through the window, running and falling to his knees by her side, relieved to see the small breaths visible in the cold air upon closer look.

They carried her back onto the helicopter as a medic onboard rushed to check her wound, Ghost and Price watching nervously as they helicopter transported them all. As her shirt was cut open down her side, the medic took a closer look, then throws a thumbs-up to the two watching, holding their breaths in anticipation.

"She'll be okay--bullet went clean through and missed all vital organs. She'll just need some stitches."

Price and Ghost release a heavy sigh of relief, looking to one another and embracing in a brief celebration hug. "Atta girl." Price says as he looks down to her. The medic closes her wound with bandages, the heli soon to reach a nearby installation in Chicago. Ghost takes her body into his arms, carrying her off as they all head inside the building.

After a few hours of rest and warmth, she slowly starts to awaken, blinking as she clears her eyes, facing a white ceiling with the sound of her heartbeat beeping from a monitor. She purses her lips open, taking a breath as her throat was dry and looks over to the chair aside her bed, Ghost fast asleep with his arms crossed, wearing the casual skull balaclava over his face now.

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