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The water stung like hell as she slapped down into it, but as she regained herself, she clung onto her weapons and swam to the top as Ghost fell behind her. She gasped as she reached the air, looking back to Ghost who'd just gotten above the water. "All good?" He asks her as he swims closer, her loose bun beginning to fall apart with the weight of the water soaking it.

"Breathing. You?" He replies, taking small gasps of air through his mask as he pulls it away from his nose.

"Same here." They grouped back together with Alejandro and what was unfortunately left of his men in the river as the current pushes them onwards.

"Move down river to the bridge, use the rocks for cover." He says. "All stations this is 0-1. How copy?" He calls across the comms.

"0-1! Do you—ay again, 0 you're—" A mysterious voice calls back, breaking heavily through the radio.

"Sounds American..." She says as the voice breaks through. But shots from beyond the river catch their attention.

"Contact—weapons free!" Alejandro exclaims.

They all dive beneath the water and swim for a nearby rock bulging from beneath to allow them cover. Shielding themselves behind it, they take their weapons, firing out to the enemy on land. They pick them off as they try to take cover, but Alejandro and his men were quick to end the showdown. And as they swim onwards, hope lights the way as they see the bridge just ahead, spotting armored vehicles stopping just across it.

It all falls dim again though once they realize it wasn't allies, but the Mexican Army holding the bridge. They duck down and take cover, firing what they have to the Army as another gunfight ensues.

But suddenly, the comms clear as the American finally comes through clear. "This is Shadow-1! Engaging the bridge north of your position. Danger close!" The man calls.

"Who the hell is that?!" Alejandro questions as he fires to the enemy.

"Commanded Graves, Shadow Company. They're with us." Ghost responds.

Rockets suddenly hail from the sky, taking down the bridge and the enemy with it. "All stations, no enemy movement detected. You're clear!" Graves calls to them. "It's good to see you guys."

"Likewise, mate." Ghost responds.

They run for shore, their clothes heavy and weighing them down from the water soaking them. As they approach the destroyed bridge, the find one remaining Army vehicle miraculously untouched as it resided just beyond the bridge.

"Graves, we've located a vehicle for exfil." Ghost says over the comms.

"Roger that. Be advised we have a possible hit on Hassan two klicks north from your position."

"That's cartel land, they have a compound there." Alejandro responds as they drag themselves to the truck, piling in. Nosia takes front passenger as Ghost jumps in the back, Alejandro taking driver.

"Y'all good to roll up Hassan with some fire from the sky?" Graves questions through the comms.

Nosia smiles, a sense of relief and adrenaline rushing through her as she glances to Ghost in the back. "Let's wrap this fucker up, Graves."

"Solid copy. We are pushing to the target di-rectly. Shadow-1 out." He responds, his southern accent prominent. They drive onwards, awaiting Graves' next call. "Ghost—this is Shadow-1, orbiting the compound now. Standing by for visual."

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