MW3: 11

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Despite Price and Gaz's mission in southern Urzikstan being deemed a questionable success due to the lack of a confirmed kill on Makarov, General Shepherd fulfills his promise and appears in court. Laswell attends as a spectator, while Shepherd and Graves sit up front as defendants, facing trial for their crimes against the United States. Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Ghost, Nosia, Price, Gaz, and Farah gather around a laptop inside Nikolai's armored helicopter. They watch intently as the court hearing is broadcast live to the world, their attention focused on the proceedings unfolding thousands of miles away.

A congressman begins, questioning Shepherd first, Shepherd responding professionally. 

"We owe a debt of gratitude to our Task Force and the ULF for our success against Vladimir Makarov and his private army." Shepherd responds. 

"Much has been said about the ULF... Are Farah Karim and her soldiers a terror organization?" The Congressman follows up, Nosia looking to Farah as they await Shepherds response. 

"No. Farah Karim is and always has been an ally to the United States and our western partners in the region." He responds. 

A sigh of relief escapes Farah, Nosia patting her on the back for this small victory before focusing back on the hearing. 

Chatter fills the court room at Shepherds response, people questioning the ULF as Makarov had nearly successfully convinced the world all the terrorism they committed being at fault by Farah and her soldiers. 

"How did Commander Karim obtain American armaments?"

"For nearly a decade, I sent weapons to to Commander Karim to support her mission against Al-Qatala and Russian incursions into Urzikstan."

"Were those shipments legal?"

"No..." He responds, looking down to his hands for a brief moment as he musters the strength to admit to his illegal activities to the world. "In order to save lives, I commissioned illegal shipments with funds I approved myself."

With that admission, the rows of spectators began whispering amongst themselves. While what Shepherd had in mind was for the greater good, it ended with Al-Qatala and Makarov seizing the American weapons for themselves during their route to Farah. 

"Quiet, quiet please... General Shepherd, in October of 2022 did you authorize Shadow Company to fire on a task-force under your command in Las Almas Mexico...?" The congressman continues. 

After a brief moment of hesitation, Shepherd responds. 

"No I did not."

Everyone looks to one another in disbelief. He's protecting himself once again for his own sake. 

"Mr. Graves..." The congressman moves on to Graves. "Were you given orders to use lethal force against TF-141?" 

Graves leans forward. "Yes, I was." He responds confidently. 

Chatter fills the room, slight relief within 141 as they wait impatiently for the questioning to continue. 

"Quiet, Quiet in this chamber!" The congressman demands, hushing the room. "Who gave you those orders?"

"General Herschel Shepherd."

The congressman strikes a quick glance to Shepherd before continuing. "Did you act on those orders, Mr. Graves?" 

"No. Absolutely not, sir."

As Gaz leans against the door of the armored helo, he crosses his arms with his eyes glued to the screen. "Fuck me... They stabbed each other in the back."

"Still saving their own skins." Nosia remarks as she sits atop an empty weapon crate, looking up to Ghost as he stood next to her. 

"Every man for himself." Ghost responds.

Farah walks forward. "That's the difference between us and them." She says, laying down photos of Makarov and Shepherd on the floor of the helo aside the laptop. 

As Price looks down at the photos, crickets chirping in the distance, Ghost steps closer to him from behind. 

"We gonna let this stand, boss?" He asks with a slight whisper.  

Price turns, facing everyone. "The best way to end a war... is to win it."

"No prisoners." Farah adds. Price faces her, holding his hand out as they mutually shake. "Good hunting, Commander." He says to her. 

"You too, Captain." She replies with a respectful smile. 

"Nik--take Farah back, will ya?" Price calls to Nik across the helo.

"Straight away, Captain." He says, hopping back onboard as he helps Farah inside the helo.

"Alright. Let's prep for exfil." Price commands as he begins walking, leading the others. "We're going home." 

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