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The forest was dark and damp, rain droplets falling atop Nosia's head as she limped through the bushes and trees. She began to shiver as all she wore now was a black t-shirt with the armored vest, and cargo pants. She had no protection from the rain, and with the blood loss she started to feel light-headed.

But as she began losing hope, just ahead through the thicket shined the lights from the streets of Las Almas, guiding and motivated her to push past the pain and keep going. Though truthfully, she thought of her comrades while on the run, hoping Ghost and Alejandro made it free from Graves' attack. She then thought of all of Alejandro's MSF soldiers, hoping they were okay within their imprisonment. The last thing they deserved was to be betrayed by the very people they trusted on their base.

Graves... She thought to herself, furrowing her brows.

She finally reached the city, limping into the dimly lit streets and hugging the walls of an alley before finally collapsing, her back sliding against the concrete building as she fell to the ground. With heavy breaths of exhaustion, she checked the area before reaching for the radio clipped to her vest on, flipping through the channels as she heard Shadow Company speaking through them until finally reaching a silent one.

"This is Bravo 7-1, in the blind. How copy?" She calls out, hearing no response. "Simon, this is 7-1, do you copy?" She tries once more, but to no avail. She drops her arm, looking up into the sky. "Gówno..." She hisses.

She leans over the corner of the alley looking out to the street, water dripping from the drainage atop the buildings echoing into her ringing ears. Ahead was clear of any enemy, but in the distance she spotted two bloody bodies laid against the walls. Closing her eyes as she prepared to move, she pushed herself up, nearly tripping as her body fell weak. Finally to her feet, she could see that the streets were laced with death. Screams in the distance drew her attention from the bodies, followed by gunshots as her brows curled together in guilt.

She lowered her stance, hurrying over to the opposite side of the street and pressing against the wall when suddenly a voice broke through the comms.

"Scope--this is Ghost. How copy?" He calls, the pounding headache sending a sharp pain through her just before she could respond. "Nosia?" He calls through again, his voice a bit softer. "Nosia, how copy?

"I'm here." She grunts out from pain, relieved to hear his voice.

"Thought we lost you." He says back. "Are you injured?"

"I took a bullet to the arm. It's not bad." She says as she starts sneaking ahead towards another alley.

"Still... Keep your blood in you, you'll need every drop." He says concerned.

Nosia scoffs as she looks ahead making sure the alley was clear before continuing. "Thanks for the tip, Simon."

"And your head?" He asks.

"Ahh... Pounding like me and your mother." She jokes.

"Keep me mum out of this." He responds, the joke catching him off-guard.

"I have more where that came from. Ask me again."

Ghost gives no response at first, but ultimately responds. "No. But it's good to hear you're still chipper." He continues, disregarding the joke.

She crouch-walks through the alley, hiding into a dip in the structure as she heard voices ahead. "Where are you?" She whispers through the comms.

"There's a church. I'm heading to it. Let's RV there. You'll need to improvise to survive, call for me if you need any help."

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