Same Age Group WeTube Live - The Fandom's Ships

Start from the beginning

[TeStar Keun Sejin: That is true! Ahyeon yah improves so much!]

Ahyeon filled with embarrassmentt, he tried to add a new topic and ended up stepping on a land mine

[TeStar Seon Ahyeon: Eh? What is this?]

[TeStar Park Moondae and Keun Sejin: ...]

Moondae is the one that manage to get back to his senses.

[TeStar Park Moondae: I think that is what they called ships]

[TeStar Keun Sejin: Wow, I didn't know our Mundaemundae also knows about these things]

[TeStar Park Moondae: I heard about it before but I don't think I know that much]

[TeStar Seon Ahyeon: Ships? Um... you mean a boat?]

[TeStar Keun Sejin: No Ahyeonahyeon, that is not it

[TeStar Keun Sejin: Ships as in couple. The people the fans are pairing]

[TeStar Seon Ahyeon: Oh... so it is like that...]

[TeStar Park Moondae: But this is my first time seeing our Loviewer's ships...]

[TeStar Park Moondae: For some reason, I feel kind of weird]

[TeStar Keun Sejin: Why so? It is just a pairing]

[TeStar Park Moondae: It is new to me]

[TeStar Park Moondae: But sure, let's check it]

Keun Sejin hesitates a bit and just shrug his shoulder. Meanwhile Seon Ahyeon seems to be checking whether what he should do.


"Guys, are you okay?"

Bae Sejin could not help but ask as he feels like something is wrong with the same age group.

"Yeah, or course we are" Keun Sejin jokingly replied but ended up making the atmosphere more awkward.

"I am going to sleep now"

Moondae stand up and head back to his room. Not even looking at any of the members.

Even Chungwoo saw it and find it odd.

"What is happening to hyungs?"

"Did we do something wrong? Are you mad at us?"

"No Eugene, Raebin, it is not like that..."

Keun Sejin tried to explain and look at Ahyeon asking for help. But Ahyeon just bow his head and apologize.

"I am so sorry!"

A frown escapes Bae Sejin's face. He look at Chungwoo asking what is wrong with those three.

But none of them knows about it. not until they saw the hot topic on the SNS


: Omg! Look at their surprised face!

: Moondae is going to faint!

: Hahhahahah Keun Sejin's laughter is a gem!

: Wahhh, to think that Ahyeon would be the one to ask about it... he looks like he fall in the wrong direction!

: Loviewers! What did you let our babies see?! I will curse you for not dropping some fanfics in there!

: This is insane! LOLOLOLOL


It was surely a shock for the three. But the one that was affected the most was their main vocalist.

He was shipped to everyone in the group. Even to the VTIC Cheongryeo! He could not help but curse on his mind how people are shipping him to that guy.

'Why would they even think that I am a couple material with that bastard?!'

His head just aches everytime he see it but he knew for sure that it was a mandatory opinion for their fans. He even saw some people shipping him with Keun Sejin and Ahyeon. Which was really weird since those two are just beside him on the live.

Some ships was like this.

Ryu Chungwoo x Bae Sejin

'Why did they even ship them? Is it because those two are almost the same age? They are indeed the eldest of the group'

Bae Sejin x Lee 'Keun' Sejin

'Ah, I don't understand the fans. How could they ship those two who are not in that good relationship? They are not hostile and surely improve their communication in the past years but...'

Moondae just shook his head. Even when he was still Ryun Gunwoo, he have seen things as fans shipping the idols they like. It was no big deal for him. But things seems to be different if he himself was the one being shipped to people.

Kim Raebin x Cha Eugene

'Those two... alright I get it. They are close and are bestfriends but...'

He then received a message from the last person he want to have a conversation with.

[VTIC Cheongryeo sunbae-nim: I saw some recordings of your live a while ago]

[VTIC Cheongryeo sunbae-nim: I was surprised my name is next to yours, it was a hot search topic today]

[VTIC Cheongryeo sunbae-nim: I didn't know that the fans thinks of us that way]

A frown won't escape his face. Moondae closes his eyes and shut his phone screen.

'This bastard...'

It was a lovely day for the Loviewers. But if you would ask the TeStar's main vocalist, it surely isn't a very nice day.


My ships? um here it is

Moondae X Keun
Moondae x Ahyeon
Moondae x Cheongryeo
Cheongryeo x Judan
Cheongwoo x Baese
Eugene x Raebin

Don't be mad at me but they are my ships! Ackkk, idk if i am the only one shipping Jaehyun and Judan. I mean!!! Why not?!!?