38 - Thirty - Eight - Ilya Russo's Point Of View.

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A week passed with no kind of excitement, and I was growing pretty restless. I wanted to end this sooner than later, and I wasn't the only one. Blondie set his cup down and spoke. "Tell me we aren't about to sit here for the next few weeks like this, doing absolutely nothing."

"We aren't. I'll lose my remaining sanity if that's the case." I bitched.

"So what's the plan then, boss?" Fox asked, snacking on crackers.

"The plan right now is to find out exactly how frustrated Nikita is, and push past that point. Getting him into gear, you could say." I chuckled. Vito wasn't home, Luca and he went to do underboss stuff for Alessio.

Fox nodded in agreement. "Sounds good to me. Let's make it happen."

"Well, let's go ruffle his feathers then," Blondie hummed, and looked at me.

"Good idea."

"Will Vito be alright with you causing issues like this?" Rory asked, and set his cup of tea down. He had a good point, but what Vito didn't know wouldn't hurt him right away.

"Probably not. But he will understand, after he gets mad about it for a while." I said, smiling to myself as I thought about Vito. Getting up and grabbing a sweater, I pulled it on and headed to the door. Blondie, Rory and Fox followed right behind me, leaving Vito's and I's wing. I was hoping Nikita was feeling like he was a captive. It would make talking him into action much easier.

One knock on the door and Nikita opened it. His hair was up in a bun, and he looked exhausted. "Thank fuck. Just the Russo I was hoping would come by."

"Oh? Didn't know you liked me that much." I teased him.

"I don't. You're just the safer of the two options." Nikita muttered and let us in.

"Eh, I think that's subjective to the side you're on." I laughed, sitting down on the couch. His three guards were doing their own things. One was watching TV, and two were doing some kind of paperwork.

"Don't mind them. They are looking into something for me." Nikita said, before sitting on the other end of the couch. "So are you here because you finally want to make a move, or?"

"Are you ready to make a move, or do you need more time to heal?" I asked, and he sighed. "As long as I take it easy, I don't see why we can't make some kind of move. Besides, we have these six to make use of."

"You're not wrong, but let's not get them killed. I can't speak to the three you have, but my three guards are worth keeping alive."

"Mine are far less annoying than their master." Nikita mumbled, before standing up and heading to the closet. He pulled out a few files. "Ilya, do you want to have a look at these for me?"

"Sure?" I said and took the files. Opening one, a few photos sat on top, and I knew that face too well. Moving them out of the way, I picked up the papers and skimmed over them. It was a detailed report about Viktor's shooting at my parents' anniversary party. There were also a few other pages about my abductor, too.

"Do you recognize this person? Yuri was able to find—--"

"Of course I know who this is. He is the reason I am the way I am. What does he have to do with Viktor's shooting?" I hissed.

"As I was trying to say, before you cut me off, Ilya. Yuri found a couple of cash trails leading back to this man, and he did a deep dive into him. I've already passed most of this off to Lev, and Sasha, I believe his name was."

"Good. Sasha might dig some more up on this guy. Is he responsible for what happened at my parents' anniversary party?"

"It's looking that way. Yuri is still doing more digging for me on this whole thing, going back to just before you went missing. He is looking into that defunct family, and when he finds something, he will get back to me," Nikita said, before taking the files back from me.

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