29 - Twenty- Nine - Vito Davide's Point Of View.

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Watching Viktor and Ilya beat the shit out of each other in the backyard, through the window, I turned to Ilya's dad. "Should we do something about that?"

"Probably, but I'm in no hurry. I trained them both, as much as they think they are stronger than the other, they are matched, or they were at one point." He hummed.

"Ilya might cross a line and seriously hurt Viktor." I said. Crossing my arms and watching Ilya closely for that sign that he might take things too far.

"They will settle down once they are good and sore." He said. "Besides, Viktor needs a reminder here and there that his behaviour isn't the best, and an attitude change is still possible. He thinks my wife and I are blind to some of his shady deals, but the truth is we see them, but the options are limited, and we still have hope for that boy. I used to worry about Ilya, but not now. He is healing with you, and that is all I can hope for. I meant what I said, Vito. I am on board with Ilya and you being married, even if that little shit Viktor is pushing for it."

"Excuse me for a moment. I have to pull Ilya off Viktor. He looks a little more heated than I would like."

Heading outside and down the grass in the backyard, I yelled at the both of them. "Are you two done acting like fucking children now?"

Ilya sat up. His lip split, and his hand wrapped around Viktor's throat.

"I might need a rabies shot." Ilya huffed as he got off Viktor. "That fucking vermin bit me."

The two of them were muddy and bloody. Viktor was holding his ribs, and Ilya was flexing his fingers.

"Is anything broken?" I asked.

"No." Ilya said, after checking over himself.


"I don't think so, just bruised."

"I'm telling Alessio to bring his medical kit when he comes." I said, flatly.

"Unnecessary." Viktor said.

"Right. So let me explain something to you, Viktor. Alessio will see that both of you are injured, and he will hold you down and poke at everything, without your consent. It's better if you just agree." I said, narrowing my eyes at Ilya. "You're sure nothing is broken."

"Yes. Though my lip is fucking throbbing." He groaned.

"The both of you are fucking filthy." I bitched. "What one of you threw the first punch?"

"What does it matter?" Ilya snapped.

"Ah, so it was you. I figured." I said, reaching out and grabbing his chin. "Alessio is going to give me trouble about this. But hey, you didn't kill him so."

"He was trying." Viktor bitched. Rubbing his neck.

"You complain so much. I was only trying to help you." Ilya hissed.

"Help me with what? You had your hand around my throat!"

"But, you're not dead so."

"Vito, how did you know we were out here?" Ilya asked, before he gave me a photo. "Hold on to this for me." He hummed.

"Your dad and I were watching the two of you humble each other from the window." I replied. "Had to make sure you didn't kill Viktor."

"Shame." Ilya huffed before heading inside.

"You are fucking lucky, Viktor. Ilya could kill you if he wanted to, and you and I both fucking know it."

"I guess I'd rather it be him then—---"

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