05 - Five - Ilya Russo's Point Of View.

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Brushing off Vito's words, I took Viktor's keys when he held them out.

"Why my car?" He sighed.

"Why not? I remember plenty of years we raced our cars in the backyard." I muttered. And he paused.

"Alessio said you remember little." He replied.

"Things have been coming back slowly. And I would rather not have everyone knowing that." I muttered, as I got into the car, Viktor getting into the passenger side. I started his car, and he hit the button for the garage. He looked down at my feet and sighed.

"Hold on."


"You can't drive in bare feet, Ilya."

"I can so—-"

Viktor reached into the back, behind the seats, and produced a pair of flip-flops. I found that pretty amusing. I put them on my feet and pulled out of the garage. Matteo has also pulled out of the other garage, but was waiting for me to go first, most likely. I didn't get it, but I drove past him and he followed me.

"While we are in the car alone, Viktor, I want to tell you honestly that I want you to have the position of Don, with my blessing. After all, my parents raised you, and you're older. That makes you the rightful heir."

"We both know that means nothing here. Biology rules, when it comes to who leads."

"Well, not this time." I muttered.

Half an hour later, Vito and I were back in the house, in my bedroom. Matteo had taken him around the house on the path, put there many moons ago, when Viktor and I were teenagers.

After the initial words exchanged between Viktor and me, we said nothing else. We just followed behind Matteo and Vito. Until Vito clearly had enough and made him pull back into the garage.

"We should head back soon." Vito said, from where he sat on the corner of the bed, and it was the best thing I heard him say.

"Alright, I'll get Matteo and let him know he can head out first—-". Vito grabbed my wrist, and I turned back to look at him.

"Matteo is coming with me in my car. Are you sure you're capable of driving, and alone?"

"Yeah, I should be ok, I don't see why not." I hummed.

He looked like he almost didn't believe me. But he didn't push the issue. He just nodded and grabbed his keys from the pocket of the pants I wore yesterday.

I got redressed into the clothing I arrived in, leaving the clothing from last night on the side of the basket in my room. Matteo had the same idea. He was redressed in the clothing from the night before, and was on the phone. Speaking with Caio, I could hear his accented voice from where I stood in the doorway.

I felt Vito's breath on the back of my neck and moved. He moved past me and cleared his throat before speaking to Matteo.

"Come on, it's about time we head home."

"Alright, Ilya's coming, right?"

"Of course he is. This place isn't his home." Vito said.

I followed behind them down the stairs, and Viktor was hovering around the front room. My car keys, and a few other things in his hands.

"Ilya, do you have a moment?"

"I suppose, I do." I muttered.

"I had more gas put in your car, and this is all your cards, credit, bank, the family bank—-. "

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