08 - Eight - Ilya Russo's Point Of View.

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 Waking up, the clock on the nightstand in my room said four p.m. and the events of earlier flooded back in and I felt regret. I didn't want to get up, but I did. The wing was quiet, and I figured I was all alone. I walked around, picking up random things in the living room. This felt like home, more than my actual home, but I was sure I had done it now. I had exposed how attached to Vito I was, and even threatened Dr Martin, and that was a big issue.

Vito left a coffee cup on the kitchen table, the one he always used, and I touched it. The coffee in the cup was still warm, and it shocked me.

"Oh, you're awake."

I turned, and Vito was walking into the living room from the hall. He had probably been in the office. He sat back at the table and spoke. "Are you hungry? Do you want lunch or a snack?"

"No." I muttered.

I heard the door open, and I looked up, seeing Lev, and I spotted the gun on his hip. I panicked. My arms dropped, and I figured this was it. Vito noticed immediately and blocked Lev from my view.

"Ilya, breathe your panicking, and I'm not sure what you think Lev is going to do, but you're safe."

"I've done it. Lev is going to—--"

"What am I doing?" He said, confused.

"You're not here because of earlier?" I asked, my words shaky.

"Earlier? No."

"Ilya had an episode earlier. Nothing terrible." Vito hummed.

"I wasn't aware." Lev said softly. "I stopped by because Alessio told me to meet him down here."

"Oh." I pushed away from Vito and headed back to the bedroom. I crawled back into the bed and sighed. I needed to apologize to Dr Martin. Getting up again, I left the bedroom and headed back into the living room.

Vito was speaking with Lev, and Alessio was bringing in a few plastic bags.

"Do you have Dr Martin's number?"

Vito passed me his phone. I hit the call button, bringing it up to my hair.

"Dr Martin speaking, What can I do for you?"

I hesitated, but spoke. "Hello. It's Ilya."

"Good afternoon Ilya, did you need something?"

"I want to apologize."

"There's no need, but I appreciate it."

"I shouldn't have said what I did. Vito is—---"

"A matter we are going to discuss in full depth without him next time. But for now, don't fret about anything. I have no intention of separating you and Vito. He made it clear after you passed out he didn't want that either."

"Ok. Again, I'm sorry."

"You are allowed bad days, Ilya. It's part of healing. Just like Vito is part of your healing, I understand. I have another appointment, but I can call you back if you want?"

"No, it's fine. Thanks."

I didn't wait for him to say anything else. I just hung up and Vito looked at me.

"All ok?"

"Yes." I said.

Alessio and Vito looked at me like they knew something I didn't. I figured it had to do with what Dr Martin said about Vito.

"I brought all kinds of groceries because Matteo said he needed snacks for your weekend sleepover."

"Weekend sleepover?" I was confused. This was the first I heard about it.

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