28 - Twenty- Eight - Ilya Russo's Point Of View.

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Sitting at the table, I congratulated my parents, and raised my glass of water to them. Viktor and I met eyes across the table and my mother spoke.

"I'm beyond thrilled you're here, Ilya. And of course you too, Viktor. But being able to have Ilya home for this. It's bittersweet."

"Of course, I wouldn't miss this for the world." I said, smiling. Even though it was a lie and left an unpleasant taste in my mouth.

"Soon enough, Vito and Ilya will celebrate their own wedding anniversaries." Viktor said, hiding his smile behind his glass. Vito's hand settled on my thigh, and it was a sigh to leave it.

"Oh. I didn't realize it was like that. Like that serious, I mean." My mother said, her eyes scanning over me. "It makes sense. You are clearly very attached to Vito, and more than old enough."

"We are looking at a date in the next six months, surely an event that can't be outdone." Viktor said, spinning his crafty lies while keeping his eyes on Vito and I.

"Yes, it only seems fitting that after this long I show my devotion to Ilya." Vito said, before taking a sip of his drink.

"Tell me Vito, do you want children?" my mother asked him.

"He already had a child." I said.

"An adult child. I'm speaking about more children." My mother said, frowning at me.

"I've never put thought into it." Vito said.

"When Ilya was little, he wanted a bunch of children." My father said, smiling as he took my mother's hand and brought it to his lips to kiss it.

"Now, the only children Ilya wants are Matteo and a cat." I said, interrupting their throwback moment.

"You're not responsible enough for a cat, let alone a child." Vito said, like he hadn't just insulted me openly in front of my parents.

"Oh well, there goes my mother's dreams of grandchildren." I said, trying not to laugh into my water.

"Right now you might not be ready, but eventually you will give us a grandchild." My father said, and it felt like an order, not a statement.

"We can share my future cat on weekends." I said, and Vito gripped my thigh tightly.

"Ilya would be happy to give a thought to children in the future." Vito said and smiled at my parents.

"How nice it will be to have you joining the family, Vito. Another sensible and capable male," my father said, and I watched Viktor and my father meet eyes.

"Tsk. At least wait till I'm not at the table to insult me." I complained.

"Vito Russo... It has a nice ring to it," my father said, lifting his glass. "From our many years of marriage to the start of yours."

My mother, Viktor and Vito, all raised their glasses. Mine sat in the same spot on the table, unmoved.

"Ilya, is this not a cause for celebration?" My mother said, her voice gentle.

"What if Vito had no intention of taking the Russo last name? Hmm? What if I was going to take his—-"

Viktor cut me off. "Any man can be swayed with the right number of zeroes, right Vito?"

Brushing off Vito's hand, I stood up. I had about all I could stand of this shit.

"Where are you going?"

"Away from the lot of you and this fucking conversation."

"Ilya, you're being disrespectful to your parents," Viktor said.

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