25 - Twenty-Five - Ilya Russo's Point Of View.

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"Ilya, what the hell are you doing?" Vito asked, as I pulled shoes on.

"Going to poke around in Viktors' business."

"Can you not just wait?"

"No. I can't. I'm nosey and I want information. Nikita has the information I want."

"Lev is probably—-"

"Screw Lev. I want my own answers."

"Did you want to let me finish speaking, pet?" Vito said, crossing his arms.

"Sorry." I muttered. Slowly moving to the door.

"Go. But take your phone. And when I tell you to come home, you best listen. Don't make me come to get you, Ilya."

I nodded and left before he changed his mind. Finding Nikita proved to be a task, but I knew I was close when I heard two angry Russians yelling obscenities at each other. Not even knocking, I tossed the door open and walked inside. They both looked at me, unamused.

"Right, so I came to join the festivities, because I too am looking for answers."

"Now really isn't the time, Ilya." Lev hissed, showing his annoyance with me.

"If my being here is that much of a bother, you're welcome to leave. But I won't be. See, I have questions for your brother, or adopted brother. Whatever the case." I said, sitting on the arm of the couch.

"Ilya leave. This is a private—--"

"Yeah. You can drop that tone with me. I just got done with having to put up the bullshit from Viktor. I'm already in a shitty mood, Lev. Kindly fuck off." I snapped, crossing my arms. "Now if we're done with our pissing contest, I have some questions I would like answered. Nikita."

Nikita huffed and turned his attention away from Lev. "Ask away. Lev will get the answers he wants too, I guess." Nikita sat on the edge of the bed and covered his eyes with his right hand.

Lev was still annoyed, but sat on the couch by me, and kept looking at me.

"You have slept with my cousin, Viktor, yes?" I asked.

Nikita nodded his head. "Correct, more than once."

"Did Viktor know you were Lev's brother?"

Nikita huffed. "No, not until now. If he's figured it out. We don't have the same last name." Nikita looked on edge, and he looked at Lev. "I don't go around telling people I'm the adopted brother of Lev and his sister."

"Why not? Wouldn't you want that protection?" I asked.

"Protection? From who? Lev would only give me an umbrella in a storm if it was lightning. I don't blame him." Nikita said. Laying back on the bed and looking up at the ceiling.

"You said Viktor took your freedom. What did you mean by that?" I asked.

"I want to know that as well." Lev said.

"Your cousin is a piece of work, Ilya Russo. He plays a fantastic game at first. He tells you what you want to hear. And then you wake up after dinner, locked in a bedroom, being told you're no longer allowed freedom. I was supposed to be the one playing him for information. But oh boy, was I the one who got played. Turns out, the one who hired me was himself. He wanted to get me used to him so that he could lock me away. Two weeks he thought he had me. I managed to get something to pick the lock and get the fuck out of there."

"My parents, were they aware of this?"

"Your parents. He sends them away before he plays his shady cards. The only time I ever saw Viktor look almost gentle for real was when he was speaking with who I now know to be Alessio about your recovery."

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