09 - Nine - Ilya Russo's Point Of View.

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After dinner, Vito and I moved some more of my things, until my medication kicked in, and I started yawning.

"Just a little longer, Ilya. We're almost back in my wing."

I just hummed at him. I was going to pass out the moment I laid down. Setting the stuff down inside, Vito took the things from my hands and set it down too. He led me to his bedroom and pulled back the covers.

"Get in and go to sleep."

"But where will you sleep?"

"I can use the couch or—-"

"Vito, I can sleep on the couch. You need to sleep in your own bed."

"Stay here, sleep. I'll wake you up when I want to sleep and you can sleep across the hall."

"Why can't I sleep there now?" I muttered.

"I'm moving things around, putting things away, and I don't want to wake you."

"Ok. But wake me up when you're ready for bed."

He nodded and left the room. I climbed into his bed, and he pulled the covers back up over me, and flicked off the lights. The light from the clock on the nightstand was comforting, but not as much as the scent of his sheets. I reached out under the blanket, allowing my mind to run wild at that moment. Imagining what it might be like to have him share the bed with me willingly. Not because of anyone or anything interfering, just his own want to share the bed with me.

I drifted off to sleep, my heart fluttering with the possibilities.

I felt the bed dip, and it woke me up. I opened my eyes, the light from the clock enough to see Vito settling in the bed. Moving, he grabbed me and pulled be back into the spot I was before.

"Settle and go back to sleep, Ilya."

"But your bed——-"

"Go to sleep Ilya."

I tried to move again, and he slinked his arm around my waist and pulled me back against him. "Sleep, Ilya, the bed is full of stuff. Go back to sleep and stop being difficult about it."

I let out a breath and settled back into the bed. Vito didn't loosen his arm around me. "If I let you go, Ilya, you will sneak off." He muttered too close to my ear, and I got goosebumps and shivers.

Closing my eyes, I slipped back into sleeping. My dreams were pleasant, Vito in every single one of them.


It was so real, I could hear him calling out to me.

"Ilya, if you're intending to smother me and crush my ribs further, you're doing a terrific job."

I opened my eyes and lifted my head. Assessing the situation, I seemed to have wrapped myself around Vito and pinned him down. I slowly untangled from him and rubbed my eyes.

"Did I hurt you?"

"My ribs are a little uncomfortable, but nothing to be worried about."

"Sorry. I don't know when or how I wrapped around you like that." I muttered, slightly impressed by my actions.

"A few hours ago, I didn't see a reason to wake you until it got a little more uncomfortable."

"You could have moved me, or woke me up."

Vito stood up and held his ribs as he stretched. "It was fine."

I yawned and laid back out on the bed.

"You can get up now, or you can go back to bed. It's still early."

Out of the corner of my eyes, I watched Vito switch shirts, and had to pull one of his pillows over my face. So I wasn't openly watching his muscles ripple and move under his skin. I wasn't sure when the hell this bullshit with Vito had started, but I was too far gone now. I was fully wrapped up in the want and need to have this man. Even if it spelt the end for me.

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