Jiqsaw puzzles Chapter 11

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Sunday April 10 2022

I woke up at 458am my bodyclock just woke me up just like that, I got out of bed, opened my eyes completely and went to my window..
I drew open my blackout blinds and I was shocked to see it was kind of twilight in my opinion it was like a pretty royal blue outside, i headed downstairs to the cereal dispenser and had some frosted manz slaughterz, grabbed milk out of our fridge, I popped the kettle on... i had my cereal and soaked the bowl in the sink, and made a coffee, I had no idea how to use the new zair digital coffee maker mum just got it from G3za store in meadowhell yesterday, so I'd have to ask mum, so i grabbed a teaspoon from the drawer, sugar from the canister and popped 2 sugar cubes into my manz slaughterz mug, added a spoon of Zair coffee and options hot chocolate...
I sat on the wingback armchair and enjoyed it...
Popped it into the sink, went to brush my teeth, washed my face, applied deodorant, suncream and some collagen by Charlotte Tilbury and popped on some jeans, tshirt and a hoodie jacket...
I did Richie Rich and noticed the rich end of the neighbourhood had another store and she called me over and asked if I could do South! I went to talk to her, she was an older woman perhaps in her late 60s and had nice short dirty blonde curly hair, a nice smile, hardly any wrinkles, and wore a beautiful white pearl necklace. A floral shirt, big orange flowers that were light and the shirt was of a pastel salmon pink! I didn't quite see if she wore trousers or a skirt, but I was keen to know!

"Morning and I see you are keen to get started so I'll have you going south and there is a map you'll need so you don't get lost."

I looked at the map, with keen eyes and shook her hand, we both smiled, and she payed me upfront, $150 that morning I did it all and ended up with $750 in tips.
The other paper boy didn't show up, so I did the usual neighbourhood, and usually Howell's was shut on a Sunday! Today he was clearing out old stock and said it wasn't past the expiration date, and we could freeze the bread! It's literally a whole big bag. He gave us lots of buns, cakes, biscuits and I felt bad sometimes because deep down, I knew we weren't poor, but we had to work pretty hard.
My mum did help our neighbours with representation and I feel the community respected her profoundly.
This end was like the other, although I wondered how people grew palm trees and you only saw them in Africa or countries near there!
It was kind of cool and pretty. The hedges were so clean and straight.

I rode my bike fast because I was anxious about having all the money, I was also very scared of that hooded boy... so I quickly got back home with the food and the money, I quickly stashed it upstairs.
I got downstairs...

"Morning, you're late back honey, here eat your breakfast. Yes, I see you had cereal, but I made you some more because I love you so much, my hard-working butterfly!"

I took a look and got excited...

"Cool, you made weird shaped pancakes. Do we have any chocolate syrup?" I asked with striking eyes...

"Yes, sure," my mum replied with warm eyes and a smile.

I was not happy, that darn ugly gen o cidal company... Mars is not welcome here.

"No, mum, I'm not using Bounty syrup because the company is funding wars on Palestine, so I want to have the Sofra honeycomb syrup please," I shook my head and looked at her with serious eyes and a pouting mouth.

Mum was shocked for like a second and them swiftly said with a smile...

"Sure and thanks honey, I'll make sure we boycott anything bad from now on, I do have quark and options so I could whip you up a chocolate treat..."

"Thanks, mum," I smiled.

I then swiftly asked her,
"Hmm, what about Emily and her make up and designers," I furrowed...

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