27: Lena Luthor x Reader (Fem) - Part 4

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Three months had come and gone since Y/N had joined L-Corp as Lena's assistant. Lena found Y/N to be exceptionally smart and observant. Y/N seemed to have figured out Lena's preferences, dislikes, and the rhythm of her daily life. Yet, Lena couldn't help but notice that Y/N remained a closed book about herself. She always maintained her professionalism, no matter the situation, and never let her emotions surface, whether they were positive or negative. Lena's feelings for Y/N had grown, and this made Lena even more eager to learn about Y/N, to understand her better, and perhaps do something for Y/N, just as Y/N had done so much for Lena.

In her private thoughts, Lena mused about this desire to know Y/N on a deeper level. It was both an emotional longing and a wish to show her gratitude. Lena found herself drawn to unravel the enigma that was Y/N, to discover what lay beneath the composed surface.

With each passing day, Lena became more captivated by Y/N, not just as her assistant but as a person who had touched her life in a profound way. It was a complex mix of emotions Lena was dealing with – admiration, attraction, curiosity, and a growing fondness. She knew she had to proceed with caution, and although the desire to know more about Y/N and make her happy was strong, she remained unsure about the best way to approach it.

One day, however, Lena did get to see a hint of emotion on Y/N's face. It was a seemingly ordinary day at L-Corp, with Lena engrossed in her office work as usual. However, the tranquility was shattered by an abrupt and disturbing commotion that erupted outside her office. Lena swiftly got up from her desk and headed out to investigate the source of the disruption, only to discover the abrasive presence of Morgan Edge.

Edge appeared determined to gain access directly to Lena's office, bypassing all security protocols, but Y/N stood in his way. She was resolute and polite as she blocked his path, firmly insisting that he couldn't enter without a prior appointment. This refusal irked Morgan, who had already vandalized a vase on Y/N's desk in his fit of rage.

With contempt dripping from his voice, he unleashed a barrage of cruel words, attempting to demean Y/N. "How dare you stop me? Do you even know who I am?" he bellowed, his anger and condescension unbridled. Y/N maintained her poise, asserting, "Sir, I am fully aware of your identity, but access to Ms. Luthor's office requires an appointment."

However, the more Y/N held her ground, the more Morgan's temper flared. He escalated the confrontation, yelling, "You're nothing more than a worthless assistant! A dime a dozen! You'll regret this. I'll make sure you end up on the streets, jobless and penniless! If it weren't for people like us, you'd be starving like the worthless pieces of trash you are!"

Though the venomous words stung, Y/N didn't let a flicker of emotion surface. She calmly replied, "You're free to say what you like, sir, but you won't see Ms. Luthor without an appointment." Her unwavering stance only served to further enrage Morgan, who lost control of his temper and raised his hand to strike Y/N.

Lena, however, had seen enough. She couldn't bear the thought of her dedicated employee, and someone she was slowly falling for, getting hurt. Without a second thought, Lena intervened, hastily pulling Y/N away from the oncoming blow, causing Morgan to miss his target. A deadly anger burned in Lena's eyes; if looks could kill, Morgan would have been done for.

Lena's anger burned intensely, though her voice remained eerily calm as she addressed Morgan Edge, her eyes locked onto his. "No matter how much power you believe you possess, you are not permitted in my office without adhering to the proper channels. How dare you attempt to assault and insult my employees and vandalize my property," she seethed. Her words were a potent threat. " I strongly suggest you leave, because if I choose to retaliate, it won't be in a manner you'll find comfortable."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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