9: Scarlett Johansson x Daughter Reader (Part 4)

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As the days went by, Scarlett and Lizzie were busy preparing for Y/N's weekend stay. They made sure that they had everything they needed to make Y/N feel welcome and comfortable. Scarlett spent hours at the grocery store buying all sorts of food and snacks that she thought Y/N would like.

Scarlett and Lizzie were getting the room ready for Y/N's arrival for the weekend. They were making sure that everything was perfect for Y/N and that she would feel at home. They spent hours deciding on the perfect color for the walls and after a long discussion, they finally decided on a light blue color which was calm and peaceful.

"This color is perfect," Lizzie said as she looked around the room.

"I agree," Scarlett replied. "It's a good contrast to the other colors in the house. But most importantly, I hope it will make Y/N feel at home."

Lizzie smiled at Scarlett. "I think she will. We're doing everything we can to make her feel welcome and comfortable."

Scarlett nodded. "I know. And that's why I want her to stay in the room next to ours. I want to be close to her as much as possible."

"That's a good idea," Lizzie agreed. "It's important for her to know that she has people who care about her. But we need to be careful. We don't want to overwhelm her."

"I know," Scarlett said. "But we have to remember that she's been through a lot. She needs to know that she's not alone."

Lizzie nodded. "And we'll be there for her every step of the way. We'll make sure she knows that."

Scarlett smiled at Lizzie. "You're always so good with the right words. You always know what to say."

Lizzie grinned. "Well, that's one of my many talents. And speaking of talents, let's get to work."

Together, Scarlett and Lizzie started to add the finishing touches to the room. They added new sheets to the bed, new pillows, and even added some of Y/N's favorite books and movies. They also made sure to put a basket of snacks and a welcome card on the nightstand.

Scarlett and Lizzie continued their preparations for Y/N's stay over the weekend. They discussed various approaches to get Y/N to open up about her life, her past, and her connection to Sarah. They wanted to make sure that they created an environment that felt like Y/N was already part of their family.

"What do you think is the best way to get her to talk about her life?" Scarlett asked Lizzie, who was in the kitchen making snacks for Y/N.

"Well, I think the most important thing is to make her feel at home. If she feels comfortable and loved, she'll be more likely to open up to us," Lizzie replied as she mixed the ingredients for the cookies.

Scarlett nodded, "That's a good point. We need to make her feel like she's a part of our family, not just a guest in our home."

"Exactly, and I think the best way to do that is to treat her like a daughter. Ask her about her day, show an interest in her life, and just be there for her," Lizzie said as she placed the tray of cookies in the oven.

Scarlett smiled, "You're right. We already know she's a tech and IT nerd, so we don't need to ask about her hobbies and interests. But just making her feel at home and treating her like parents would treat their child, that's the key."

Lizzie nodded, "I couldn't agree more. And when the time is right, we can start asking about her past and connection to Sarah."

Scarlett took a deep breath, "I just hope she trusts us enough to open up to us."

Lizzie walked over to Scarlett and placed a hand on her shoulder, "She will. Just give her time and love, that's all she needs right now."

Scarlett smiled at Lizzie, grateful for her support and understanding. They both knew that this was a delicate situation, but they were determined to do whatever it takes to help Y/N and make her feel like she had a real family.

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