13: Lena Luthor x Sister Reader (Part 1)

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Lena Luthor was lost. She had lost everything - her friends, her family, and most importantly, her trust in people. Ever since she found out that Kara Danvers was Supergirl, her life had taken a downward spiral. It wasn't the secret itself that had hurt her; it was the fact that Kara had kept it from her for so long. Lena had always thought that she and Kara had a special bond, but now she felt like she had been a fool to trust her.

Feeling lost and alone, Lena decided to pay a visit to the Luthor mansion. She knew it was a dangerous move, but she couldn't help herself. She wanted to feel like she belonged somewhere, even if that place was the home of her worst memories.

As she walked through the grand foyer, Lena couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. This place had been her home once, and despite all the terrible things that had happened here, it still held a special place in her heart.

But her nostalgia was cut short when she overheard a conversation between Lillian and Lex Luthor. Lena had always been good at staying hidden, and this time was no exception. She pressed herself up against the wall, barely daring to breathe as she listened in.

"I don't like this, Lex," Lillian was saying. "It's too risky."

"I don't care about risks," Lex replied. "We need to push the boundaries of science if we're going to stay ahead of the competition."

"But Y/N is just a child," Lillian responded. "I don't think she is strong enough to handle this."

"I don't care what happens to that girl," Lex said coldly.

"I agree," Lillian replied. "She's nothing to us."

"But what about her mother?" Lex asked.

"She's gone. We've taken care of her," Lillian said dismissively.

There was a moment of silence, after which Lillian continued.

"I don't understand why we even bothered with her," Lillian said, her voice dripping with contempt. "She's nothing but a nuisance."

"Mother, we can't just discard her," Lex replied. "She's Lionel's daughter, just like Lena. And she has a certain...potential."

"Potential for what?" Lillian sneered. "She's weak, pathetic. She'll never be able to live up to the Luthor name."

"That's where you're wrong," Lex said. "With the right kind of training, she could be an asset to us. Imagine what we could do with a little Luthor genius combined with...other abilities."

Lena was frozen in place, her heart pounding in her chest. She had a sister? And Lillian and Lex were talking about her as if she were some kind of experiment.

Lillian: "I don't care about the girl's potential. She's not a Luthor, and therefore, she's not our concern."

Lex: "But she is Lionel's daughter, and we can't just ignore that. We have to protect our interests."

Lillian: "Our interests lie with the Luthor name, not with some bastard child. If the girl can't contribute to that, then she's nothing to us."

Lex: "I understand your concerns, Mother, but we can't just let her die. It wouldn't look good for our public image."

Lillian: "Fine. We'll keep her alive, but we won't waste any more resources on her. And if she ever becomes a liability, we'll dispose of her without a second thought."

Lex: "Understood."

They both exit the room, leaving Lena in shock and horror at what she has just overheard. Lena's heart sank. Lena felt sick to her stomach. She knew that she needed to do something to stop them, but she had no idea what. She couldn't take them down alone, and she didn't trust anyone else enough to bring them into this.

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