16: Elizabeth Olsen x Reader (Fem) - Part 1

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Y/N's heart was racing with anticipation and excitement as she made her way towards the studio where Elizabeth Olsen was waiting for her interview. She had spent hours researching and brainstorming unique questions to ask the talented actress, hoping to make a lasting impression and stand out from other journalists.

As she entered the room, Y/N couldn't help but feel a little nervous. She took a deep breath and approached Elizabeth, who was sitting in a chair, scrolling through her phone.

"Hi, Elizabeth. I'm Y/N," she said, extending her hand for a shake.

Elizabeth glanced up from her phone, giving Y/N a quick once-over before responding in a cold and dismissive tone, "I know who you are."

Y/N's heart sank a little at the response, feeling a bit hurt by Elizabeth's aloofness. But she quickly pushed the feeling aside, reminding herself of the importance of maintaining a professional attitude.

"I'm really excited for this interview. Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me today," Y/N said, putting on a smile.

Elizabeth simply nodded, still scrolling through her phone as Y/N took her seat and got her notes ready for the interview.

The atmosphere in the room was tense, with Elizabeth's cold demeanor putting Y/N on edge. But she remained determined to make the most of the opportunity and ask the questions that had been burning in her mind.

As they waited for the interview to start, Y/N couldn't help but glance over at Elizabeth from time to time, wondering what was going through her mind. She hoped that the interview would go well despite the rocky start, and that she would be able to get Elizabeth to open up and share more about her life and career.

Y/N sat across from Elizabeth in the interview room, her nerves making her hands slightly shaky as she flipped through her notes. She had spent hours researching and coming up with unique questions that she hoped would spark a meaningful conversation with the actress.

"Thank you so much for joining me today, Elizabeth," Y/N said, trying to hide her nerves behind a smile.

Elizabeth gave a curt nod in response, her face unreadable. Y/N took a deep breath and launched into her first question.

Y/N began the interview with her first question, "So, Elizabeth, your performance in 'WandaVision' has been widely acclaimed. Can you tell us about the process of bringing Wanda Maximoff to life and how you prepared for the role?"

Elizabeth responded with a cold, detached tone, "Well, it was a challenge, of course. But I did my research and tried to bring a unique perspective to the character."

Undeterred, Y/N asked her next question, "Your portrayal of grief and loss in the show has resonated with many viewers. How did you approach the emotional aspects of the role?"

Elizabeth's response was curt, "I just tapped into my emotions, really. It's part of the job."

Y/N tried to switch gears and asked, "In your opinion, what is the most important message that the show conveys?"

Elizabeth replied, "I don't really want to give anything away, you'll have to watch and see for yourself."

Y/N tried to keep the interview going with more thought-provoking questions, but Elizabeth's responses remained cold and distant. Y/N couldn't help but feel discouraged, but she pushed through and continued with the interview.

Despite Elizabeth's chilly demeanor, Y/N was determined to make the most of the opportunity and ask questions that would showcase Elizabeth's talent and depth as an actress.

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