19: Anna Kendrick x Brittany Snow x Sendrick Daughter Reader

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Anna and Brittany had been on set for hours filming scenes for their latest project. They were both feeling drained and in need of some relaxation. As they settled onto the couch, they cuddled up together, enjoying the peace and quiet of their home.

"Today was so tiring," Brittany sighed, resting her head on Anna's shoulder.

Anna nodded in agreement. "I know, right? But we got through it."

Brittany smiled at Anna. "I'm just glad we have each other to lean on."

Anna placed a gentle kiss on Brittany's forehead. "Always, my love."

They both sighed contentedly, happy to have a moment of rest. Just then, they heard the sound of their daughter's laughter coming from the playroom.

"Sounds like Y/N is having fun," Brittany said, smiling.

Anna grinned. "She's always up to something."

"I don't know how we managed before she came along," Anna said, smiling at Brittany.

Brittany smiled back. "Me neither. She's the best thing that ever happened to us."

Anna and Brittany continued to talk about their day then suddenly, they heard a loud crash coming from the playroom.

"What was that?" Anna exclaimed, her eyes widening with concern.

Brittany's heart pounded in her chest. "Oh my god, I hope Y/N didn't hurt herself!"

Without a second thought, they both bolted towards the playroom, their hearts pounding in their chests. As they reached the doorway, they saw that Y/N had knocked over a tower of blocks, which now lay scattered across the floor.

They breathed a sigh of relief, relieved that their daughter was safe. Y/N, on the other hand, was giggling uncontrollably, having no idea of the fear that she had just instilled in her mothers.

Y/N looked up at her parents with a sheepish grin on her face.

"Uh oh," Y/N said, pointing to the mess she had made. "Look Mama, Mommy, I made a mess!" she exclaimed.

Anna and Brittany let out a sigh of relief, relieved that their daughter was okay. They rushed over to her, checking her for any injuries.

"Are you okay, baby?" Brittany asked, holding Y/N close.

Y/N giggled. "I'm fine, Mommy."

Anna couldn't help but chuckle at her daughter's cuteness. "You scared us, little one. What happened?"

Y/N pointed to the pile of toys. "I was trying to build a tower, but it fell down."

Anna and Brittany exchanged amused glances. "Well, that happens sometimes, sweetie," Anna said, scooping Y/N up in her arms.

Y/N looked at them with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Want to help me build it again?" she asked, holding up a block.

Anna and Brittany chuckled at their daughter's adorable antics. "Sure, let's build it even higher this time," Brittany said, sitting down on the floor while Anna setting Y/N down.

They spent the next hour building towers and knocking them down, laughing and joking as they played. Y/N sang silly songs and made up stories, and Anna and Brittany listened with rapt attention.

Suddenly, Y/N stopped and looked at her moms with a mischievous glint in her eye. "I have an idea," she said, a sly smile spreading across her face.

Anna and Brittany exchanged a look of nervousness. They never knew what kind of antics Y/N was going to come up with next.

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