14: Lena Luthor x Sister Reader (Part 2)

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It had been two long and restless days for everyone, especially for Lena who had refused to leave Y/N's side. Kara and the others had been taking shifts to keep an eye on Y/N's condition, but Lena never left. She sat next to Y/N's bed, holding her hand tightly and praying for her to wake up soon.

"Come on, Y/N. Please wake up," Lena whispered, her voice choked with tears. "I need you to be okay. I won't leave your side until you wake up, I promise."

Kara watched as Lena's eyes closed for a few moments, and then opened again, as if afraid to miss a moment of Y/N's recovery. She knew how much Lena cared for Y/N, and it broke her heart to see her friend in so much pain.

"Lena, please," Kara said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You need to eat and rest. You won't be able to take care of Y/N if you don't take care of yourself."

Lena shook her head, her eyes never leaving Y/N's face. "I can't leave her side, Kara. I just can't."

Kara sighed and looked at the others, hoping someone would have a better idea. But no one had any suggestions. They all knew how stubborn Lena could be, especially when it came to the people she loved.

"Okay, I have an idea," Kara said, standing up. "Lena, do you want a Big Belly Burger?"

Lena looked up at Kara, confused. "What?"

"Your favorite fast food burger," Kara said with a smile. "I'll go get it, and you can eat it here. That way, you won't have to leave Y/N's side, and you'll get some food in your system."

Lena hesitated for a moment, but then nodded. "Okay. Thank you, Kara."

Kara left the room and came back with the food, and Lena slowly ate it while Kara sat next to her. They talked about Y/N, and Lena's worries about what Lillian and Lex were doing to her. Kara listened patiently, offering words of comfort and understanding.

"I know how you feel, Lena," Kara said, placing a comforting hand on Lena's shoulder. "But we'll find out what they did to Y/N, and we'll make sure they pay for it."

Lena looked up at Kara, her eyes filled with tears. "I just don't understand how anyone could do this to a child. How could Lillian and Lex be so cruel?"

Kara shook her head. "I don't know, Lena. But we can't let them hurt Y/N or anyone else ever again."

As Lena finished her food, she yawned and leaned against Kara's shoulder, unconsciously falling asleep. Kara smiled and played with her hair, letting her rest.

"You'll be okay, Lena," Kara whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'll be here for you, no matter what."

 Kara continues to hold Lena gently in her arms, feeling a deep sense of love and protectiveness towards both Lena and Y/N. She thinks about all the times they've been through together and how much they've grown to care for each other.

 Kara sits there with her for a while, holding her gently and staring off into the distance lost in thought. She thinks about how much Lena means to her, and how she would do anything to protect her and keep her safe. She thinks about how she hasn't been completely honest with Lena about her feelings, and how she's been too scared to admit the truth.

Eventually, Kara gently shifts Lena to lay down on the couch and covers her with a blanket, tucking her in. She then stands up and heads to the balcony to clear her head. She takes a deep breath of fresh air and looks up at the stars, feeling a sense of peace wash over her.

Kara hears the sound of footsteps approaching and turns to see her sister, Alex, walking up to her. "Hey," Alex says softly, coming to stand beside her. "How are you holding up?"

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