11: Lena Luthor x Kara Danvers x SuperCorp Daughter Reader

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Kara held Y/N's hand as they walked into the kitchen, the two-year-old chattering away excitedly about all the things she wanted for breakfast. Kara smiled at her daughter, her heart swelling with love and pride.

As she reached for the refrigerator door, she heard a soft snore coming from their shared bedroom. Kara turned to see Lena still sound asleep, a smile on her face.

Kara walked over to their bedroom, a warm smile spreading across her face. She bent down and brushed a strand of hair off Lena's forehead, admiring the peaceful look on her face.

Y/N tugged on Kara's hand, "Mommy, I want breakfast."

Kara tore her gaze away from Lena and smiled at Y/N, "Okay, sweetie. Let's see what we can find in the kitchen."

As Kara worked in the kitchen, she couldn't help but steal occasional glances at the closed door to the bedroom, imagining Lena still fast asleep inside. She felt grateful for this moment of peace and quiet, for the chance to simply let Lena sleep.

But that peace was short-lived as Kara was in the kitchen making breakfast for her family when she heard a strange noise coming from Y/N's direction. She turned her head to see her daughter holding a frying pan, having apparently squished it with her little hands. The two-year-old was giggling, completely unaware of the extent of her newfound powers.

Kara's heart raced as she realized what was happening. Y/N had inherited her Kryptonian powers, and she was using them in a potentially dangerous way. Kara tried to stay calm, not wanting to startle Y/N and potentially cause more damage.

She put down the spatula and took a step towards her daughter, holding out her hand in a soothing gesture. "Y/N, honey, let's be careful with that, okay?" she said softly, trying not to disturb Lena who was still asleep in their shared bedroom.

But before Kara could reach her, Y/N grabbed a pot and, using her newfound super strength, threw it out the window like a bullet. Kara silently screamed and used her flight and super speed to get the pot back before it could hurt someone.

 Kara silently screamed and used her flight and super speed to get the pot back before it could hurt someone

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After retrieving the pot from outside, Kara cautiously approached Y/N again. However, the little girl saw her mother approaching and thought she was playing a game. Y/N giggled and took off at super speed, zooming around the house and knocking over vases, lamps, and other decorative items.

Kara's heart raced as she saw her daughter careening through the house, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake. She ran after Y/N, using her own super speed to catch the items before they could hit the ground and break.

"Y/N, stop!" Kara called out, trying to get the little girl's attention. "Mommy's here, it's okay."

But Y/N was having too much fun, giggling and laughing as she continued to run. "Mommy catch!" she cried, her little voice filled with delight.

Kara raced after her daughter, dodging furniture and dodging items that Y/N had knocked over. She was trying to keep up with the little girl's speed, all the while keeping an eye on Lena, who was still asleep in their shared bedroom.

"Y/N, come back here, sweetie," Kara said, her voice filled with concern. "Please, you're going to wake Mama."

Finally, after several minutes of chasing, Kara managed to scoop Y/N up into her arms. The little girl was still giggling, completely oblivious to the chaos she had caused.

Lena rubbed her eyes as she was awoken by the noise coming from the kitchen. She slowly made her way down the hall, still groggy from sleep, and stepped into the kitchen to find Kara frantically putting things back in place.

"Kara, what's going on?" Lena asked, her voice still thick with sleep.

Kara jumped at the sound of Lena's voice and turned to face her, stammering, "N-n-nothing."

Lena raised an eyebrow, "Really?" she replied, a hint of skepticism in her voice.

"Yes," Kara said, her voice a little too high-pitched and nervous.

Lena folded her arms and used her CEO voice, "Kara Zor-El Luthor Danvers, then would you care to explain why our daughter is hovering above your head?"

Kara's eyes widened as she looked up and saw Y/N hovering just above her head, giggling with delight. The little one Y/N noticed Lena and let out a cheerful, "Mama! Hi!"

Lena smiled at her daughter, "Hi sweetie," she said, her arms still folded, her eyes dart back towards Kara.

Kara looked back at Lena, a mixture of shock and embarrassment on her face. "I can explain," she said, trying to find the words.

Lena smiled, clearly amused by Kara's reaction, her arms still crossed, "I'm all ears

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Lena smiled, clearly amused by Kara's reaction, her arms still crossed, "I'm all ears."

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