Chapter 35

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"Hey, Auntie April", I ask, while walking hand-in-hand with Aria through the spa. After dinner with my parents at an Italian place yesterday, Mom managed to check another thing from my New-York-wish list. Namely a get-together with my aunties. One call from her and all four of them agreed to meet Mom and me at the spa today. Auntie Dia also brought Aria with her, making this day even better as before. And as we're here busy doing our mani-pedi and relaxing in bubble baths, Uncle Noah, Uncle Jacob and Uncle Caden are out with Nathan at a football game.

It is simply perfect.

"Yes, sweetie?", she says. Aunt April is, just like us, wearing a large white bathrobe, her hair held with a fluffy headband keeping her hair from falling into the beauty mask on her face.

"Have you seen Mom?", I ask her.

Aunt April starts to smirk at that. "She's having her delulu time with Nini now. They are in the massage room." She then winks at me before adding: "Nessie, Dia and I are in the jacuzzi, just in case you girls will need some sane people to go to."

I let out a chuckle, knowing how delulu my Mom can get when she's with her bestie. A few years ago, they made their whole friend group go zip-lining for Halloween, all dressed in costumes. Some other years ago, Dad and Uncle Caden had to take them from the police, when they had a bit too much fun at the carnival.

The two can both be grown women in their early forties, but inside they are just kids.

"No, but, like, who wants grey?", I can hear Auntie Nini's voice even from before I enter the massage room. Aria and I share a glance, both of us having an eyebrow raised, before we enter the room. The two are each standing on a bed, some ladies massaging their backs, while Mom and Nini are passing a phone from one to another.

"Mom?", I ask confused.

Her and my aunt both raise their heads in sync.

"Pumpkin", Nini lets out, her redhead falling in her face, screwing the headband that is there exactly for this reason. She then looks at Mom and although she has seen me countless of times today, she still smiles and whispers: "She's gorgeous."

"I know", Mom says, standing up and hereby ending her massage session. She adjusts her robe and makes her blonde hair sit in place, as she quickly pats the spot next to her and I come take a sit. She wraps her arms around my shoulders and kisses the top of my head before looking back at Nini, who is now sharing the massage bed with Aria.

"What were you two doing? April said you were being delulu", I ask them.

Mom smirks as Nini shouts: "April, get your ass back here! We are not being delulu and you know it."

"So what were you doing?", Aria backs me up.

"Nothing much", Mom still doesn't want to share.

"They were looking for wedding venues, that's what they were doing", April says, strolling inside the room. She heads straight for Nini's massage bed and hops on it, right next to her best friend. Auntie Nessie and Auntie Dia follow inside seconds later, Dia coming to sit next to her daughter as Nessie takes a sit next to me on the bed.

"You must be kidding me", I tell them, mostly facing Mom, slapping my face. Turns out someone did take a picture of Nathan and my kiss at the cherry tree and that it did make it to the internet.

"Livie honey, how do you feel about Lake Como?", April continues, mostly to tease the two.

"Lake Como is a perfectly perfect location", Nini jumps in her defense. "We could go jet-skiing."

"You do realize is her wedding?", April doesn't back down. I can see Nessie chuckle, and I also have to back bite a laughter.

"And we're the in-laws", Nini adds happily. "Soph and I will be besties-in-law." She then sticks her tongue out at the rest: "Take that."

"It was just a kiss", I begin, trying to calm them down a bit. "It's not like we're getting married tomorrow. You can relax."

"Oh no, baby", Nini counters. "My son has been whipped after you for... how old are you again?"

"Real smooth, babe", April teases. Aria, Nessie and I begin to laugh.

"Twenty-two", Mom answers for me, kissing the top of my head again.

"For twenty-two years old. You should have seen him coming at me one day, begging me to buy him a Prince Charming costume, just because you wanted to go out as Cinderella and he wanted to be your prince."

"That's not...", I want to say, but I then remember our talk that day. As I told him he only dressed up as Prince Charming because others were laughing at me. And he said That's not...

I have to gasp. Mom is worried in an instant. "Are you okay, sweetie?"

"He loves me", I say, the realization hitting me all of a sudden.

"Well, duh", April says, looking as surprised as someone is as one would tell them the sky is blue.

"Wait, you all knew about this?", I ask the girls.

The five of them just look at each other and start nodding.

"I mean, it wasn't that hard to figure out", April mutters.

"There has always been some kind of force pulling Nathan to you and you to Nathan", Nessie continues. "Sooner or later we all figured out that force was called love."

"Mom?", I ask her.

She looks at me and smiles. "Nathan is a good guy, Livie. One that I am sure loves you a lot. Whatever you decide to do, I'll be here to support you."

"Blah blah blah", April cuts us short. "Sure, Soph, let's go all deep and sentimental. Just lovely." She then throws a quick glance at me and adds with a wink: "I'll go get some mimosas."

"Oh come on, you love deep and sentimental", Nessie tells her. Dia next to her can't help but laugh, probably getting some flashbacks from their college days.

"Oh April, I love you so much", Nini begins. "You're the only light in my never-ending darkness, precious", she continues. "Oh, April..."

As I start laughing while Nini keeps telling April love declarations, I can't help but hope that's how I'll be with my friends twenty years from now.

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