Chapter 5

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"Are you alright, Olivia?", Thomas asks me while helping me get on the horse. I nod as I am sitting on my saddle. He smiles at me once then goes to his horse, climbing on it with no problem. I guess that's what happens when you do that daily.

Also without a problem seem to be Landon and Brad behind me, who somehow know horseback riding and decided to follow me on my date too.

I swear, if I am going to end up being kissed today, I'll make it extra passionate just to show them that's why you don't stalk people on dates.

We start riding and I follow Thomas throughout the fields of the Equestrian Club. I put in a word yesterday and we managed to get a part of the estate all to ourselves for a few hours. No one is here to watch so we can just act natural and be ourselves.

I am not sure he'll like who I really am though. Without the titles, the duty and the fake smiles.

"Tell me something about you", he breaks my silence. I look up at him confused. He nods. I don't know what to say.

"I don't know", I mutter. "I am pretty much an open book."

"Tell me whatever you want", he insists.

I sigh and give up. "I love art."

He looks at me as if he's happy he got a response out of me. "What type of art?"

"Paintings", I continue. "Sculptures too. I like the Greek sculptures. But mostly paintings. Of all sorts."

"Do you usually go in art galleries?", he continues.

I nod. "My Mom has her own art gallery back home. I usually help her out there as much as I can. Otherwise, I also like visiting art galleries in my free time. Either with my Mom or my bestie."

"You and your Mom seem close", he points out.

I nod. "Yeah. I can't imagine how my life would look like without her in it."

He smiles at me. A shy smile. It's then he says. "My Mom and I don't really talk."

I can't help but gasp. "Oh, I am so sorry. May I ask why not?"

"You may ask anything you want, Olivia", Thomas tells me. I can't help but blush once. He continues: "My parents really wanted me to become a lawyer. I wanted something else from my life. They didn't agree, so I went and followed my passion. They cut me off my inheritance and told me they'd never want to see me again."

I think I ran out of words. "I am so so sorry, Thomas. I had no idea."

He looks at me reassuring, as if to tell me it's alright. "It isn't your fault. You have nothing to feel sorry for."

I don't tell him that my heart is still aching for what he just told me. I don't tell him that he deserved so much more than to suffer. Instead, I just flash the ghost of a smile.

Thomas seems to have noticed the shift in the mood since he now looks at me, hoping he would take what he just said back. "What else do you like apart from art?", he asks me.

I am so surprised by the sudden topic change it takes me a while to think about the answer. "I like fashion, Chanel in particular. I also like travelling. Formula one. And reading, but I mostly read online."

"Sounds perfect", Thomas tells me.

I smile at him. "What do you like?"

"Horseback riding mostly", he answers with a chuckle. "I am not such an interesting person."

"And you call me interesting?", I ask him surprised. I don't find myself an interesting person. More like someone that's rather abnormal. "My idea of fun is trying on Chanel gowns and then pretending I'm on the runway."

He looks at me amused. I can't help but laugh once. "What? It's true. I'm a Chanel obsessed person. And whatever you'd say, you can't convince me otherwise."

"No, Your Royal Highness, I wouldn't dare trying to convince you otherwise", he adds. Yet he smirks deviously. "I was just trying to picture you pretending you're on the runway." He takes a break, his face speaking even more mischief. "Do you also try on underwear?"

My cheeks started heating at that. And I swear I could hear one of my bodyguards choke in the back.

"Very lacy ones", I answer, rolling with whatever is happening now.

"Then I'd love to see one of your fashion shows", he says.

I can't help but feel every inch of my skin catch fire. I think about Thomas watching me showing off my underwear. And for some reason, the thought of him being there doesn't seem so unpleasant.

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