Chapter 1

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"Fucker", I mumble. With the lipstick in my hands I draw a big red "X" on his face. I am well aware of the water in the tub getting the paper wet. However, I needed my peace and quiet. And it turns out that the bathroom is the only place I can have it nowadays.

I keep the lid of the lipstick between my teeth as I continue to make my work of art. I usually read poetry while taking long baths or listen to music. However, the new edition of The Cordelian Journal just came out today and I had to check it out. It's my first public appearance in months. I had to make sure it's okay. Otherwise the palace might have a fit and make me live here even more months than I do now.

"Your Royal Highness", a voice tones from behind the door. I almost jump from the shock, making some water slide outside of the tub and onto the floor. I mumble a curse as I place the newspaper on the ground and begin to get the washing up done.

"Yes?", I ask as I step outside the tub and stroll to the bath robe. The cold tiles tickle my tiptoes.

"Dinner is ready", one of my bodyguards says. I think it's Landon.

"I'm not hungry", I lie. I am hungry. Have been for days now. Yet I am waiting til I get out of this palace and to a restaurant where I can buy my own food.

"We brought it up to your room, Miss", my other bodyguard says. Brad.

"I'm fine though", I shout back.

I can almost see the side-eye the two share through the wooden door. "We'll eat together. We can wait until you're done", Landon suggests.

My doctors have been insisting I should eat more. Landon and Brad have been getting quite worried about it, so they insist we eat together at every meal. They want to see me physically put the food in my mouth and then physically swallow it.

"I'll be outside in a minute", I reply. I know fighting them won't bring anything. It's two to one. And although I am technically their boss, they have the doctors, my parents and all my family on their side when it comes to my eating issue.

I quickly make a bun out of my hair and cover it with a towel to let it dry. I then work a bit on my skincare and make sure my face looks okay. It's then I walk outside. As expected, the two men are right in front of the door, waiting for me.

"Geeze, could you make it any less obvious", I mumble sarcastically.

They nod and make me follow them to my bed, where there is a tray filled with different types of food waiting. A steak with some boiled vegetables together with some fancy sauce. A type of pudding as dessert. A cup of tea and a small cookie next to it. I get on the bed and sit on it next to the tray. Landon and Brad take a sit on the two chairs in front of my bed. The two chairs that were put there for them. I can see they also each have a tray.

"Did anyone ask why I am not coming down for dinner?", I ask them while playing lost in thoughts with my food. I am trying to buy myself time, don't make them realize I am not going to eat anything.

"Only Queen Charlotte", Landon answers. I nod. Landon has been my bodyguard only for a few months now. Brad has been my bodyguard ever since I was eight, I used to have another one before. But then Brad came and kept the position for the last fourteen years now. He doesn't seem to want to go. Landon came, as I said, later. Just a few months. He's also the younger one of the two. While Brad is already 34, Landon just reached 25.

"And what did you tell her?", I ask them, faking not being affected at all. My Grandmother is one of the only people who actually cares about me in this place. Maybe even the only one.

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