Chapter 11

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"What are they doing?", Thomas asks me, while staring at my parents. Dad is currently kissing Mom's neck, her whispering something in his ear. She keeps giggling about something and I can see him also smile.

"They are recreating the art painting", I answer, pointing with my gaze at the painting on the wall. The one the man kisses the girl's neck. My parents love art. That's how they fell in love. That's how their first conversation started. Art is a big part of our family.

"Why?", Thomas continues, not getting the point.

I shrug. "I don't know. They always do that when we go to art galleries. I think it's kind of sweet."

He frowns. "I don't know." He then kisses my cheek and looks again at my parents. Dad is already staring at him.

"Your father doesn't seem to like me so much", he whispers in my ear.

I turn around and have to chuckle at the death stare my Dad is giving him now. "Don't take it personal. He likes very few people."

"I assume I am not one of them", he mutters.

I stop the urge to nod to prove him he's right. However, I just continue walking with him around the gallery. I just love art. I love the way so many feelings can be shared just with a few colors and the stroke of a paintbrush.

"You seem to like it here", Thomas notices.

I nod. He smiles and kisses my cheek again. "I love seeing you happy", he adds.

It's my turn to smile at him. "You make me happy."

Thomas freezes. And for some time, it seems like he doesn't know what to say. As his body works again, he pulls me into his arms and crashes his lips on mine.

"Why do you have to be so fucking perfect, Olivia?", he mumbles as he still kisses me. "Why? Why are you making this so damn hard?"

I shatter, not knowing what he's talking about. "What do you mean?"

He opens his mouth to say something yet stops himself by kissing me. It's then he replies, his lips not moving an inch away from mine. "Your parents are looking, and you make me want to see if you wore that pretty lingerie of yours tonight."

I can't help but gasp, the sound muffed by his kiss.

"Not now", I whisper, as his hands already started wondering on my back. "Not here. Tonight."

"Do you want to be a good girl?", he asks me, a bit sad really.

"I am always a good girl", I lie.

He bites it though. And his hands leave my back. The places they used to touch start aching for his hands.

"Tonight", he whispers, kissing me once more, before he takes my hand and leads me through the gallery.


"Do you often visit Cordelia, Your Royal Highness?", Thomas asks my Mom if only to make small talk. We all went out for dinner too, so we're currently sitting at a table inside a very fancy restaurant, waiting for our food.

"Please, call me Sofia. Or Miss Estair", she quickly corrects him. Thomas flashes her a polite smile, before she continues. "We try to come as often as we can. When we come, we're usually here to see Livie. However, Alec and I also come here for holidays sometimes." She then takes a sip from her lemonade before she asks: "Do you often come visit?"

"Not as often", my boyfriend answers. "I came here for the Tournament this year. I'm a jockey, so I took part in the horse races here in Broix. I was supposed to leave a few weeks ago as the tournament ended, but there is one thing that made me want to stay." He kisses my lips and I feel like I could melt.

"Are you planning on staying any longer?", my Dad starts the interrogations. I can see Darrel, Landon and Brad smirk from the table they are sitting at. I frown at them, their smirks disappearing. However, I know they returned as soon as I looked away.

"For as long as it takes", Thomas answers.

"I don't how long that will be", I tell him worried. "If I become queen, then I'll forever live here."

"Do you want to?", he counters.

"Want to what?"

"Become queen..."

"I...", I begin, my bottom lip shivering.

Mom must have noticed since she interrupts us. "That's not what we want to discuss at the dinner table. We came here to have a good time."

Dad nods to support her and I give them both a thankful look.

"That's right", Thomas adds. "I'm sorry, Olivia."

"No problem", I reply.

Dad is one step away from rolling his eyes.

"You know what?", Thomas begins. "I have an idea."

"Surprise us", Dad mutters. If our bodyguards smirked before, they were almost dying from not being able to laugh right now.

Thomas doesn't mind Dad's comment and continues: "Why don't we go on a little holiday?"

"What?!", I ask surprised. I did not expect that.

"It would be just the two of us, and we could relax before you decide if you accept the title or not."

My parents exchange a look, yet as I meet their gaze, their eyes tell me it's my decision to make.

"I mean, why not?", I let out happily. "I'd love that."

Thomas smiles at me and kisses me, as if a teaser of what our holiday can look like.

"Where would you like to go? I want to make it perfect for you", my boyfriend whispers.

I shrug. "I don't know."

Mom clears her throat. We both turn to look at her. She smiles polite. "If I may make a suggestion, I heard that there is the Italian Grand Prix in a few days."

I can't help but squeal at that. I have a soft spot for Formula 1 and fast cars. "Oh my Gosh", I let out excited. It's then I turn to Thomas. "Can we please go? Please."

"I didn't know you like Formula 1", he whispers.

I start nodding like a little kid. "I love it."

Thomas lets out a chuckle and seems to think about something, then as he comes to a conclusion, he starts smirking. "It should work. Yeah, why not?"

I let out another loud squeal and hug him tight, kissing his cheek.

"Thank you", I whisper in his ear.

He lets out a broken chuckle. "Don't thank me."

Not minding that, I spend the rest of the night with a smile on my face.

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