Chapter 14

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"Where are we going?", I ask Thomas. He is on the driver's seat, driving us to the hotel probably. He told me he wanted this trip to be a surprise for me and took care of the accommodation and everything.

I am on the passenger's seat next to him, admiring him. He fits perfectly in the scenery. We're riding along the coast, the view of the sea, the sun setting, a gorgeous man driving.

It's perfect.

"You'll see", he whispers to me. I have to chuckle at the suspense.

My bodyguards are driving in the car behind us, looking out for me. I know they wanted to drive in the same car with me, yet Thomas insisted the two of us get some privacy. I convinced my bodyguards I'll be fine and went with what my boyfriend wanted.

I don't regret it one bit right now.

The streets started to get narrower and we arrive in a small town. Suddenly, we can see a truck coming from a small street, driving horizontally. Cursing at the truck, Thomas steers the wheel allowing us to out circle it just before a hit. My bodyguards weren't so lucky, since the truck was still driving, and they remained to wait til the path is clear again.

"Maybe we should wait for them", I say, trying to search with my eyes for their car.

Thomas shrugs. "I don't think so. They have the address of the hotel. I'm sure we'll meet on the way."

I throw one more look after them until I turn my head back to him, looking at the sea, my man and the sunset.

"If you say so", I whisper. My brain can't process anything else rather than how beautiful this moment is. Maybe Thomas was right. Maybe I indeed needed a holiday.

I force myself to move a bit to turn on the volume of the radio. I recognize the song. Set Fire to the Rain. I remember I sang it with Nathan at a karaoke party once. Since him and I are the same age and we attended the same schools, we have forever been in the same class. One time, one of our old classmates had a birthday party and we were both invited. Since we were best friends, we ended up just hanging out together the entire time. We both loved to sing karaoke before, so we obviously had to sing one song together. We ended up singing this. Nathan said we should try to reach our "high notes". Most of the people at the party were already drunk or high, so we were ones of the only sober ones. Meaning we were able to go full in and make fools of ourselves, and everyone had forgotten it by the next day.

I have to smile at the memory.

The smile quickly disappears as I see what Thomas is doing.

"Thomas", I yell.

My heart starts beating faster.

"Thomas, stop the car!"

All I can see in front of me is a cliff. We aren't on the highway anymore, just a regional road, that has some gasps in its railing. It's one of those gasps we're now heading for.

"Thomas, stop!"

I don't know when the tears started rolling down my face.

I know I start slapping him with my hand, trying to wake him up from this trance. Trying to make him steer that damn wheel.

The cliff.

It's so high.



We're going to die.

We're both going to die.

"THOMAS", I start screaming. "Thomas, listen to me. Please, do something."

and we promisedUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum