Chapter 24

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One two three

One two three

"How are you adapting to your new title, Your Majesty?", the duke asks me. I put on a polite smile and continue counting in my head. I know how to waltz by heart, even had lessons with a professional for some time, yet the counting helps me sort my thoughts and breathe.

"I'll get there", I answer. I know it's only partly true. Maybe I'll never get to the day in which I can close my eyes without waking up crying or sweating. When I wake up, I have to turn around to assure myself I am alone. I have to place my feet on the ground to make sure I am not falling off a cliff. I have to touch my cheek to assure myself that there is only the remaining scar there and not blood.

I don't think I will ever get there.

"Might I say, you will make a spectacular queen", he continues. "The most beautiful one as well."
A few weeks ago I would have fallen for it. A few weeks ago, I would have believed him I am beautiful. I knew I was. Knew I still am. But right now. Right now, when I look in the mirror, I feel like a monster is staring back at me. Maybe I still have my looks on the outside. But on the inside...My soul is a bunch of sinking ships and troubled water.

"Then I am sure you must have never seen Queen Georgia", I add, if only to make small talk. "She was King William's wife and is rumored to have been the most beautiful queen Cordelia has ever seen."

"I highly doubt that", he replies, no sign of doubt. "No offense to the queen."

I take a deep breath. My counsellor told me this might happen. As official future queen, my future husband will become King of Cordelia. A title many desire. My counsellor said more men will start to flirt with me now. Try to make me like them. Catch me in their trap.

Unluckily for them, I am pretty sure I won't start dating for a while. I learned the hard way that love can kill. Literally.

"Where did you learn how to dance?", I ask, jumping head-first in a change of topic.

"You look like you could use a drink", Aria says, handing me a glass of champagne. I politely shake my head, to assure her I'm fine. She just shrugs and places the glass back on a tray as a waiter walks by.

"You don't want it?", I ask her surprised. She shakes her head.

"I don't drink", she answers convinced. It's then she takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor, to start the waltz. A few pairs away from us is Livie, dancing with this duke. He is handsome, I'll give him that. Some charcoal black hair. Intense green eyes. He's so fucking perfect, even has a shiny title to go with it all. Yet he's not good for her. None of them are.

"Give me a sign before you kill him", Aria whispers to me.

I look at her surprised, and a bright smile grows on her face. "I don't want to go as witness to the police", she continues.

She has me at that. I have to let out a chuckle. "I'll make sure to let you know."

"Thank you", she replies, hitting me with her elbow in my ribcage. I can't help but let out an amused "Ouch" and ask: "What was that for?"

"You're whipped", she remarks.

"I am not", I lie.

Aria reads right through me. "Nathan, I had years of seeing you be helplessly in love with Livie. The look on your face right now is for sure one of those looks."

"Which look?", I ask her, trying to hide the fact I find this conversation rather funny.

"Those...oh, my bestie is also the love of my life, she's a lady and I am just a boy, let's wait for Disney to work out its magic on us."

If I had one eyebrow raised before, both of them are up now.

"How did you just come up with that?", I ask her surprised.

She grins. "If you thought that was creative, you should read my captions on insta."

I have to join her grin now. "Like the one you posted that photo in a green dress and said: Waiting for my Peter."

"I really thought I looked like Tinkerbell in that photo", she responds, thinking back on it.

"You're not a fairy", I point it out to her.

"No, but Dior said I looked like one too, so..."

Okay, I don't think I can argue with that.

"Look", she brings us back to the original topic. "My point is: you can either spend the night with me, dancing with your cousin, drooling over your best friend who is currently dancing with another. Or, you can go dance with her, save us all the drama that would come with Peter losing Wendy, and then we can all live happily ever after."

"I am not leaving you alone", I am quick to respond. As tempting as her second scenario sounds, I am not just abandoning her. "What will you do?"

"Go home, get out of these heels, cook some instant noodles and watch Friends", Aria answers, seeming deeply content with that answer.

"Alone?", I can't help but ask.

"No, with my super secret boyfriend who travelled half the globe to be with me in Cordelia."

I almost raise an eyebrow again. "You have a boyfriend? How come you haven't posted about him yet?"

"That's why he's super secret", she mutters grinning.

It's then I get it. "You don't have a boyfriend."

"No, I don't", Aria says, yet there is no sign of regret in my tone.

"Then you'll be alone", I counter.

"Dude, I want to see you living happily ever after. You dancing with me doesn't help that. So go get your girl."

I look at Livie again. She's giggling at something that duke said. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "You sure you're gonna be okay?"

"I'll be fine", she answers, patting me on the back. "Oh", she adds. "And just in case this night leads to something", she even winks at me at that, "please don't give me the details. I'll already ask Livie for them and hearing them from her is less gross than hearing them for you."

"I am not gross", I counter, trying to fake being offended.

She raises an eyebrow. "Says the guy described to me how sex works using a hockey stick."

"You were sixteen!", I come in my defense. "What would you have wanted me to have used?"

"Solely your imagination", she answers. It's then she pauses, and squints her nose showing she's disgusted. "You know what, that would have been even creepier. Have fun with Livie tonight." She processes what she just told me. "As in hold hands and do karaoke and so on. You know. Cute stuff."

"Bye, Aria", I tell her, smirking bright.

She rolls her eyes, yet she's smiling bright, and makes her way towards the exit.

It's then I make my way towards Livie.

Who stares at me surprised as she sees me next to her.

"May I have this dance, Your Majesty?", I ask her, bowing in front of her. My heart is racing, waiting for her answer.

It makes a kick as her hand slips into mine.

And I'd be damned but she said yes.

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