Chapter 34

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I make sure that my skirt sits alright before I make my way through the big glass doors. I'm wearing a combination of a black and white patterned blazer and skirt, together with some knee-high black boots, my hair in a bun. It's one of my favorite looks on this planet and I just had to wear it back home.

I enter through the doors and inside the lobby of Dunn Leisures as if I own the place. I mean, my last name is written in big flashy letters at the top of the skyscraper.

The receptionist has already spotted and recognized me and is now smiling politely at me.

"Miss Estair Dunn, an honor", she tells me, even bowing her head a bit as in a curtsy. I acknowledge her bow with a nod and go to business.

"Franka", I begin, reading the name on her name tag. Her interest in this conversation duplicates. A little trick Daddy taught me. "Do you happen to know if my Father is here?"

Franka checks something on her computer then starts nodding. "He's on the last floor in his office." I nod, already wanting to head to the elevator as her voice stops me. "Mister Dunn is in a meeting with some potential partners at the moment. Would you like me to announce him you're here, Your Majesty? You could also wait in the lobby, if that's what you prefer."

"That won't be necessary", I cut her short, still being polite though. "He already knows I'm coming", I lie. He has no clue and I want to surprise him, but theoretically speaking, if you think five minutes in the future, he will know I am coming.

"Alright then, pardon me", Franka replies. "Have a nice day, Your Majesty."

"You too, thank you."

I continue making my way to the elevator and press on the button that goes to the last floor, where Dad has his office. Some employees enter the elevator too, and I must say they all remain rather surprised as they see me there. I smile at all politely and remain alone by the time the elevator stops at the last floor, since no one was going to speak face-to-face to the boss.

I smile even brighter as the doors open and I walk outside, passing Dad's private secretary, who immediately opens me the door to his office. Dad has an all-glass-window office that occupies the entire last floor. He says the view helps him think clearer and have better ideas. I just think his ideas come because he's so damn brilliant. Anyhow, his office happens to be one of my favorite places in the world, since you get a better view of the city than many of the places that make you pay to look outside a window.

"I'm just saying, we have to increase the numbers", a man's voice I haven't heard so far says. I can see Dad sitting with two older men at a table, Dad at the head and the two men opposite each other at the sides. Neither of them has noticed I am here yet, so I decide to take my time and observe from my little hiding place. Which happens to be in plain sight, leaning against the doorframe.

"If you increase the numbers, the profit will decrease exponentially. It's simple fucking maths", Dad cuts him short.

"The hotels will have more rooms though and would be able to accommodate more guests. More people could come and stay in your hotels, increasing the profit. I don't see the problem, Mister Dunn", the older man continues.

Dad sighs and is probably one step away from murdering the two. His gaze lands on the stapler, which seems rather appealing.

"My Father values quality over quantity", I can hear myself saying. The three men all turn to look at me surprised. And while the two older men seem confused, Dad is smirking bright, looking at me as if I personally just placed the moon and the stars in the sky.

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