Chapter 33

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The skyscrapers of Manhattan and Nathan's smile are all I'm seeing as I walk together with him through Central Park. We arrived few hours ago and have been touring the city since. I am going to surprise my parents later, since I asked Uncle Adam not to tell them about my return. If he kept his promise, I can show up at their office and have dinner with them. Nathan and I were only able to get two days in New York before my coronation, so I want to make the most of them. I want to see my family and visit as much as I can from my favorite places.

I am trying hard not to hold Nathan's hand as we're walking. Although him and I have already discussed and we're together as a couple, we haven't made our official public appearance yet. And knowing paparazzi, them hearing I'm in a relationship will get the Internet exploding. I don't really care anymore. Had my fair share of scandals thanks to my lovely cousin Stefan. But Nathan hasn't. And they can ruin my reputation online, they can call me whatever names they want, but one word against Nathan and I'll leave them burning in flames.

"Remember when we used to come play hide and seek here?", my boyfriend asks me.

I can't help but nod. "You were pretty uninspired, were you not?", I counter. He looks at me with an eyebrow raised. I can't help but tease him further. "Like, you'd always hide behind the same tree." I look around, noticing we're not far away from there. I look at him as a challenge. He gets it and smiles, following me to the tree I was talking about.

The tree is a big cherry tree, not far away from the entrance we always used to take. Both Nathan and I lived in the Upper East Side growing up, we used to meet up and enter the park close to the MET. Then we'd play hide and seek until we'd have to go home.

We make our way through the many cherry trees until we arrive at ours.

We're both standing in front of it, and I can almost hear the laughter from back in the days.

"Why did you always hide here?", I ask him. "I mean, it makes no sense. I clearly won every single time."

He smirks at me and takes my hand, leading me around the tree. I'd be where we were seconds ago, happy that I found him. Nathan would be hiding where he is taking me now. I never seen the other side of the tree. Now that I am seeing it, I have to gasp.

"I found this when I was searching for a hiding spot back when we were eight", he explains, as I go with my fingers along the heart, the one that has "L+N" written inside. Livie + Nathan. "I kept coming back ever since." He then looks at me, a cocky grin on his face. "Maybe I wanted you to find me."

"That clearly argues with all the principles of hide and seek", I tell him, my mind having run out of words.

"Yes, but it clearly agrees with all the principles of love", he counters.

I smile and look at the heart again. L+N. What were the chances?

"What are we going to do?", I ask him, my fingers not stopping to go along the letters. "I mean, I'll be crowned queen. Your life is here in New York. Here's your headquarters. You can't just bail everything and come live in Cordelia with me. And I can't leave Cordelia."

"Princess", Nathan whispers, coming closer to me. He takes me in his arms, and I never want him to let go. "Who says I'm bailing anything?", he asks. I look up at him surprised. He gets the hint and continues. "I am not bailing anything. Aivilo is an online company, many of our employees already work from home. I don't have to be anywhere. Where I should and want to be is next to you. In your arms. You're my home." He wipes away one of the tears rolling down my face. "Don't cry, love. Please don't." Another tear. "I promised you we're not leaving each other again. I am keeping my promise. Now and forever." I am looking in his eyes as he says: "I love you, Livie. Always have, always will."

"Will you be my Prince Charming?", I ask him.

He lets out a chuckle and nods. It's then I pull him closer to me and kiss him.

Hide-and-seek has never been more exciting.

and we promisedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang