Chapter 15

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"Nathan", my aunt's voice is to be heard at the other end of the line.

"Sofia?", I ask surprised. I haven't actually talked to her in a while. Mostly because she's Livie's mother and every time I would think of her, I would think of Livie and then my heart would start aching again from not having her close to me.

"Nathan...", Sofia breathes. I can hear how her voice is unsteady, showing she's been crying. I immediately get alarmed. Aunt Sofia is one of the strongest people I know. Growing up, I think I have seen her cry once. Twice tops. Hearing her cry has my hair raise up knowing something isn't right.

"Sofia, what happened?", I ask her alarmed. "What happened?"

She starts sobbing again and I could swear I could hear the voice of my uncle trying to comfort her. It comes out muffed since her crying is louder, but something in Alec's voice shows me that whatever happened is serious.


"Where is Livie?", I immediately ask.

It's at the sound of that, that Sofia's voice stops. Then the crying turns into screaming.

Without thinking any longer, I excuse myself from my employees saying I have to go. I don't mind them saying that we still have one more person to interview. The race is long over, but thanks to Lewis we managed to get invitations to the after party. We were able to get an interview with everyone here, leaving me very grateful to my cousin for his efforts. Lewis himself didn't come, saying he doesn't usually attend social events anymore. He even let me borrow one of his fancy APOLLO sports cars for this. I am really in his debt.

"Sofia, talk to me", I tell her, trying to make my voice sound as calming as possible. "What happened?"

"She...she called me", she tries to say, yet her words come out shaking. I can still understand them though.

"Breathe, my love", I can hear Alec tell her. "He is the only one that can help her right now."

I get even more worried at that. Sofia takes a deep breath and continues. "She called me and told me she's scared. She then started crying. I tried to ask her what happened, but she only continued crying. I found where she is on FindMy, and she appears to be somewhere on the roads." Sofia begins to cry again at that.

I curl my fingers around the wheel, taking a deep breath. If someone hurt her, then I won't stop until I'll make that person pay for the pain she had to feel. But before I'll hunt them down, I'll make sure to give her the biggest hugs and make her understand she's safe now.

"Send me the address", I tell her. "I'll go get her."

"Thank you", her voice comes out broken. "Thank you so much, Nathan. Nini told us you'd be in the area. I am so so sorry to get you caught up in this."

I nod, knowing that Livie's Mom and my Mom are besties and probably talk about everything.

"You don't have to apologize", I tell her honest. If Livie is hurt, then it is my business. No one hurts my girl.

Sofia starts crying again and I can hear Alec say something muffed in the background. "Alec and I are on the way to the airport now", she begins. "We still have to wait for the pilot to come, and then with the flight, and the road, we'll get there in eight hours the least." I can hear how her voice starts getting unsteady again. "My girl...Our baby girl..."

"I'm on my way", I assure her, already opening the GPS. "Send me the address. I can bring her to my room. I'll text you where that is."

"Thank you", she whispers again. "Thank you." She takes a deep breath. "And Nathan", she begins.

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