255 | Anniversary

Start from the beginning

     "I don't think he's—" Just as Cj was about to finish his sentence, a man wearing a red velvet suit arrived, giving a charming smile to the crowd who clearly loved him more than his father.

     As soon as he appeared, Krist clenched his fist in anger while Cj tried to remain calm. Hans and Cindy, on the other hand, looked at River and held onto his hand tightly. Not only were they staring at the infamous leader of a brotherhood they hated the most, but they were also staring at one of the men who sexually assaulted and abused River and Sky's sister.

     "Don Sinclaire..." Krist whispers under his breath. "It's been three whole years, yet the hair on my skin still stands when I see your face."

     Everyone continued to stare at Dante in silence. Even Gavriil, who had so many memories with Don as well, tried his best not to make any reaction.

     Unfortunately, the brotherhood leaders weren't the only ones bothered by his presence. Vesper Cinna, who was alone at the far back while leaning against the wall and holding his beer, angrily squeezes the can as he tries his best not to run up to him and punch him in front of everyone. Vesper clearly held a grudge, but there was another man who was more unpleased by the sight of him compared to everyone else in the hall. And that was none other than the leader of PHD, Kim Hee-joon.

     Joon clenches his fist as his chest starts to tighten. He tried to move, but his body wouldn't let him. His expression was practically blank, but the more he stared at Don's face, the more his emotions overflowed. One more look and he would have—

     "Sir Kim," someone suddenly called out, instantly snapping Joon away from the trance.

     Joon turns around and is surprised to see a familiar face.

     "Y-You...you're Sinclaire's—"

     "Shh," the man suddenly says, making Joon stop talking. "The young master would like you to follow me, if you may?"

     Joon was confused, but he didn't complain as he nodded his head in agreement instead. The man smiled and walked away. Joon was about to turn back at Don for one last time, but he stopped himself and followed the man instead.

     While everyone continued clapping for Dante and his family, another member of the Sinclaires made their appearance. But compared to the others, everyone was more surprised to see this unexpected pair.

     "Holy shit, that's President Janus and President Janet," Cj says in shock as the twins walk inside the hall, smiling at the crowd as well.

     Janus usually attends such gatherings from time to time, and he's an obvious crowd favorite as he's considered the less severe brother. But Janet, on the other hand, rarely shows herself to the public. This might be the first in years.

     "No way. I didn't know President Janet would come as well," Cindy says in a state of shock.

     Janet walks beside her brother with a reserved smile. She looked like she didn't want to be there, but at the same time, she didn't look forced at all. 

     "I rarely see Ms. Janet. It's shocking that she came," Gavriil commented, which made the others nod their heads in agreement. Even Cindy, who is a queen from the House of Queens, rarely sees her, too.

     While the two siblings walked behind the family of their older brother, a bunch of other family members arrived. A couple of cousins, aunts and uncles, and even in-laws walked in. It was overkill, but no one could blame them. This was technically their moment.

     After a bunch of people made their way inside, whom the other guests couldn't even recognize, the family's eldest finally followed. Dorothea Sinclaire, the wife of Benjamin Sinclaire—the former vice president of the Lemieux Corporation, entered the hall in a black dress. Like the rest of the Sinclaires, she hated Luna to the core but shamelessly enjoyed the prestige, money, and power they got when her son married that monster.

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