ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛𝟝

Start from the beginning

Not really sure why she's contacting me now.

Shutting off my phone, I laid my head back onto my seat deciding that I'd figure it out when I got home.


"Alright, get out of my car annoyances. You made a drive that was less than an hour feel like an eternity with your bickering."

Andrea says to us as we all got out of her car.

Our younger sisters simply rolled their eyes at her while I went around to the trunk to grab my bags so that we could go in the house.

In doing that, my eyes drifted over to an unfamiliar looking car parked in front of our house.

I didn't really think much of it, as it could simply just be a friend of our parents and proceeded up the cobblestone steps leading to the front door behind my sisters.

Andrea shared the same confused look that I did when she saw the car, but she didn't say anything.

Instead she went ahead and unlocked the door to the house and within an instant the four of us were met with an unpleasant sight.

"Carlos, I don't want this woman in my house any longer!! She has said her peace, but I'm not gonna sit here and act like I believe the lies she's trying to tell us."

"You don't think that's what I've been trying to do since she's gotten here Tasha?! I told you this before, I didn't want anything to do with her back then and now is no different."

My eyebrows furrowed at the conversation.

I didn't understand what was currently going on or what we were walking into.

"No fucking way." Andrea mutters and our parents arguing finally stops and they turn to us as we made our way into the living room from the front hall.

It wasn't too much longer before I realized why she had said that.

A head of brunette hair came into my vision and I instantly knew.

"Mami?" The twins managed to get out in perfect unison.

"Marissa, Aria go upstairs okay?" Our dad instructed them but they didn't budge. "Now!!"

They gave him an incredulous look before turning on their heels and leaving the living room to do as he said.

Meanwhile Andrea was still standing there with a disgusted look on her face.

It wasn't too much longer until our mom stood up and made her presence known to the both of us since we were now standing in the middle of the living room.

My dad rolled his eyes as she strolled over to me, upon reaching me her hands reached out resting on both sides of my face as she observed me.

"Mi hijo, you're all grown up now. Look at you." A smile crossed her face as we both looked at each other and she moved her hands down to my shoulders squeezing them softly before letting her hands drop to her sides. "I missed you so much."

"Doesn't seem like it." I replied smartly and her smile dropped for a second.

"I'm sorry you feel that way Junior." I was taken back by her nonchalant answer watching as she steps over to Andrea who still had yet to move from her spot. "Andrea, you can look at me you know?"

"Why, would that get you to leave faster?" She spoke in a sarcastic matter shaking her head. "You know, I don't even understand why you're here all of a sudden now trying to mend things when you know that we don't care about anything you might have to say."

I could see the irritation and anger in Andrea's usually happy and inviting eyes as she seethed at this woman.

The damage she caused for Andrea emotionally is irreparable.

"Drea, you have to give me a chance to make things up to you. I know I wasn't the best mom to you four, and that's why your dad took you guys away from me all those years ago but I'm trying to make things right here." I couldn't help but to roll my eyes at that.

"You know you're right about one thing, you weren't the best mom at all. Constantly leaving us all the time to go do god knows what and having papa worry all the time just for you to come back strung out. So forgive me for not wanting to allow my trauma to walk through the door and attempt to mend things after 10 fucking years!!"

We were all visibly taken back by her statement laced with vitriol, but we understood her emotions completely as she walked out of the room and towards the stairs to go to her room I'm assuming.

My dad walks over to her with a pissed off look on his face.

I didn't know what he was going to do now.

"I think it's time for you to go Evelyn, you have caused enough trouble as it is when they were younger. Now is clearly the wrong time to be trying to make peace when you haven't made an effort all this time."

She didn't put up a fight with my dad, instead she just nodded holding a somber look on her face as she grabbed her purse from the couch.

Before she walks past me and to the door, she stops for a second.

"I want to apologize for making you upset Tasha I just really have missed my babies, but I'm glad you stepped up the way you did and mothered them better than I ever did." She didn't stick around for a response, simply walking past me and to the front door to finally leave.

None of us knew what to say to that, and quite frankly I don't think we really even wanted to say much of anything after what went down.

I just simply grabbed my bags and retreated to my room, but not without hearing my sisters' reactions to our mom showing up here after all this time.

The twins were far too young to understand the shit that was going on so I could understand why they had some confusion.

Andrea on the other hand, she was a wreck right now and I felt bad because she's the oldest and had to see everything.

I really don't know what's gonna happen from here, but I'm hoping we can return to some type of normalcy.

It's not likely though...


It's been a long ass time since I updated anything and I apologize for that.

This app honestly is so dry now, like I legit only come on here to read one story and that's it😭

Anyways though I hope you enjoyed.

What do you think is gonna happen next?

What do you think could of been done differently in this part, or what is something that you wished would have happened here?

Don't be a ghost reader. Let me know in the comments, and don't forget to vote.

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