Clone in a million

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Robot Body More Express: Meeting Room. The staff sit around the table. Giovanna walks in with a sheet of paper. "Bad news, everyone! The university is bringing me up on disciplinary charges and those prudes won't tell me on what grounds."

Fionna: "Whatever you did, Professor, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation."

"Yes, but they won't listen. Everyone's always in favor of preserving a dictator's brain to study but when you put it in the body of a great white shark, ooh, suddenly you've gone too far."

Jay: "Wait did you replace the shark's brain or did it eat the brain?"

Giovanna: "Take your pick, it's dead now."


The ship flies towards Mars University. At the Hallowed Hall. Giovanna stands before several University staff members under a spotlight. She wears a formal jumpsuit and they are dressed in maroon gowns and hats."

Vernon: "Professor Giovanna, do you know why we've called you here today?"

"Listen to me, you pompous frauds. If I'm going down, I'm taking you all with me! Dean Vernon, I know the truth: It was you driving your hover-car that night, not your cat." she goes to the next. "Dean Epsilon, I know all about your "Department of Pool Boy Studies". And Dr. Wernstrom... Wernstrom! I don't know why you're here after the stunt you pulled on Earth!"

Vernon: "Actually, Professor, we merely called you here to say..." The lights come on. "Surprise!"

The room is filled with formally-dressed people. To one side a band is ready to play and Giovanna is in the middle of the room. Behind the university staff, "Happy Birthday" is displayed on a big, round screen.

Man #1: Surprise!

Man #2: Happy birthday!

Behind Giovanna, the Express staff hold a banner reading "Happy 83rd Professor Giovanna!"

Hermes: "Surprise!"

Giovanna ignores them and goes back to calling the members out, "And you, Coach Smalley, or should I say "Coach hairpiece"?

Fionna: "No, Professor! It's a surprise party for your 83rd birthday."

Giovanna: [muttering] "What? They hand her flowers, and she smiles. "Ooh!"

Time Lapse. The BMOre Express staff sat where the university staff were seated. BMO takes Dean Vernon's place. The screen displays a picture of Giovanna.

BMO plugs a mic into himself. "Good evening, I'm-" Feedback. He turns the knob on the side of his casing. "sorry. I'm BMO and I'll be emceeing this roast. Y'know, they say you can judge a human by the company they keep. So here's the Professor's oldest friend, a doctor with sharp claws."                                    

Zoidberg takes BMO's place and appears on the screen, "Good evening, ladies and germs." The band plays a rimshot. "That wasn't a joke, I was talking to Dean Streptococcus." In the audience a big green germ waves. "Now, I'm not saying Professor Giovanna is old, but her first babysitting was for Mary and Joseph!" He grins. There is no rimshot and the audience doesn't laugh. Someone coughs. A man drums his fingers on the table. "Hey, Ringo, that was the joke." A sad trombone was played. "Oh, it's Showtime at the Apollo all over again."

He sits down. BMO gets back up. "Where would the Professor be without students who love and respect her? Right there!" He points at Giovanna and chuckles, "But seriously, of all the former students, our next speaker is by far the most alive. Dr. Wormstorm?"

"The first day I had her class she was a cold, walking battle axe! Now she's just a cold walking corpse!" The audience howls with laughter. Zoidberg turns to Dean Vernon, "I wouldn't wanna follow that guy."

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