In the Deep

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Planet Express: Lounge. Ellis P. picks tufts out of Nibbler's fur. Fionna does the same to Cake.

Enter Hermes. "Exciting news, people! The pet license I requisitioned for Nibbler has arrived."

Ellis: "Hermes, that's sweet. I didn't know you cared about Nibbler."

Hermes: "Dream on, man. I'd like to put the little furball in a crate and throw the key away. But I do like filling out requisitions."

"Oh, that's why you offered to do those documents for Conner, Danny, Fred, and Wallow."

"Yup! And these were some doozies!" He opens the envelope. "Great Misdirection! There's been a mix-up. This isn't a pet license, it's a fishing license. And it's mandatory!"


The Bmore Express ship takes off and heads out to sea. It stops a short while later and the cargo bay lift comes down with BMO, Fionna, and Giovanna standing on it.

"Ah! The exact center of the Atlantic Ocean. This seems the logical place for fish to congregate." Giovanna States.

BMO: "So we're in international waters?"

"Indeed so."

BMO whips out a radio and talks into it. A speedboat pulls up next to the ship and a man hands BMO a tiny package which he puts in his chest cabinet. The speedboat pulls away and BMO turns to Fionna and Mom who haven't noticed anything. "Hey, guess what you're accessories to?"


On the roof of the ship, the staff pulls out their fishing equipment from the gun turret.

Des: "The sun, the sea air, good friends."

"Lil' D's right, this will be boring. What do ya say we make it interesting?"

"Why not?"


"Yeah, cool."

BMO: "Everybody kicks in five bucks." Everyone hands him $5. "There, wasn't that interesting?"

Mo: "BMO!"

"Okay joke over. Whoever catches the biggest fish wins the pot."

Jay chuckles. "This contest is as good as over. I once caught a fish this big." He stretches out his arms.

Wallow: "Oh, yeah? I once caught a fish this big!" he extends his holo arms the length of the ship.

Lil' Destiny opens a case. "I'm afraid you're both out of your league, boys. You're looking at someone who owns her own harpoon." She twists the top of the harpoon onto the bottom.

Wallow: "Harpoon, my butt!"

"OK." And she does with the other end. He screams in pain and jumps into the water.

Cake looks at five buckets. "Let's see now, which bait to use?" Zoidberg looks up. "Crickets? Squid? Chicken necks?"

"Excuse me, if I might be so bold, I'm willing to offer my services as a bait critic." He eats a sardine. "These sardines for example are bland and tasteless."He eats a few more. "And these dry, stringy night crawlers, though juicy..." He eats a few. "... very, very juicy-" He sticks his head in the bucket and gobbles the bait.

"I don't believe this! It's eating my bait" She picks up a fishing rod and hits Zoidberg with it. "Beat it, you fat crawdad!"

Zoidberg runs away and whoops. Bmo presses a button on his fishing rod.

Bravest Warriors meet Fionna and CakeWhere stories live. Discover now