Baby come back

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Cake: Baby Finn is gone!

"What when?"

"Jay and Des found his crib empty when they woke up."

Des holds up a peace of paper, "All that was left behind was this note."

"What language is it?"

"I don't know?"

"Danny are you almost done deciphering it?"

"Yeah just a little, there we are."

"What its say?"

"Who is it from?"

"It's from that Prismo guy. Dear Fionna and Cake, I'm sorry to do this but when I beamed you and Simon I had to return baby Finn to his world. I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I had to do it or my boss would be mad. Plus baby Finn is safe and with baby Jake. Really sorry, love Prismo. P.S. Try not to be so mad at me.

"What the hell Prismo first you brought baby Finn into our world and now you take him away!" she grunts as she knocks Hermes papers on the floor. "You are filing that!"

"Now now my feline friend youll have plenty of time to take your anger out during g your next delivery."


Danny: "We spend the night escaping a literal hell hole and now you expect us to go on delivery right when we find out one of the babies was taken."

"I'm sorry for your loss but the show must go on, this delivery is very special but it is also a long journey. so you'll be able to get plenty of rest on the way."

Hermes: "Also if you don't do it you'll be docked a day's pay. Now get to work."


The ship takes off. Fionna, Cake, BMO, and Danny are at their positions.

"Man Hermes can be a real cold dude. I know we're not friends but how about some human sympathy."

"Some people prefer to keep their work and personal life separate."

"I think we crossed that bridge when we moved in together." Danny then sees Cake. "Cake are you doing all right I know how miffed you are with master wishy-washy."

"Oh I'll be fine I think I'm handling it well." she turns around and we see BMO swaddled like a baby in Cake's arm. "Go-go."

Danny and Fionna look blankly at the scene. "I know how this looks but I promised this is just a phase and once I've gone through them all I will move on."

"Okay Cake." the cat turns toward to controls.

"Danny I'm scared."

"So am I. Now I know how my friends felt when I mourned Jelly Kid."


Sleep mode: with the ship in autopilot the crew retired to their chambers. Except BMO who is being tucked in by Cake. Fionna decides to sleep in the chambers next to Danny to give Cake some space.

Danny and Fionna in his room. "I know I should let her deal but I can't help but think this is unhealthy."

"We all miss baby Finn Fionna"

"So do I! Sure I'm not as broken up about it as Cake but I understand it because he wasn't supposed to leave his world."

"Neither were Jay and Des."

"That's different they knew the choice they were making. Baby Finn crawled in my bag on accident and I don't think he knew what he was doing or what he got himself into."

"But did you want him to leave?"

"If that's what he wanted  I would have been okay but we don't know that."

"Then maybe Prismo say how he really felt I mean if you were separated from Cake how would you feel."

"Sad and in the note Prismo did say he was happy to be with baby Jake. But I still wish we could have talked about it or at least say goodbye."

"It's not like he's dead Fi he's just in his dimension where he can have his own adventures."

Fionna smiles, "now we need to watch out for Cake and make sure she doesn't go over board in her process."

"Can we do that after we sleep? That last adventure drained me physically."

"Same." he collapsed on his bed into a deep sleep and snores.

Fiona laughs, and gets up, "Good night Danny." she turns in for the night.


After the crew delivered the shipment they returned home. Now BMO is no longer dressed as a baby signaling the end of Cake's phase.

"Oh good I take it the delivery went well."

"Yeah, we got to relax and grieve. Where are the others?"

"Jay and Des are at school. So it's just been me Fred, Hermes, and Dr. Z.

"What about Marshall and Gary?

"They went back to work and left young Con in the nursery Freds watching him."

Cake: "I'll go help." she heads towards the nursery.

"Well, it seems Cake is doing better as is the rest of you."

"Yeah we're still sad about Baby Finn but we know Prismo wouldn't do this for no reason."

"That reminds me I received this photo and it helped lift all our spirits. I think you'll find it interesting."

Fiona and Danny look at the picture and see Baby Finn smiling with Baby Jake. "Awe. Thank you, Professor."

"Don't thank me Prismo sent it and be sure to show Cake I need to rest my brain."


Toddler world baby Finn is acting out all the adventures he had with Fionna and Jake to his friends. The gumball guardians are amused but watchful. He and Jake go out to explore all the stuff in their world like their older versions.

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