You blew what up!

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Planet Express: Lounge. Cake lies on the couch next to Danny and Fionna leans against the wall reading Cosmopolitan. The door opens.

Giovanna: "Good news, everyone." Hermes walks in behind her carrying a package. "We have a mission to further the noble cause of intergalactic peace."

Cake: "What's the mission?"

"It's a delivery for the United Order of Planetary Peace." He points at the label on the package that says "UOOPP"

Giovanna: "Tonight is the ribbon-cutting for the UOOPP's new headquarters."

Danny: "What are we delivering?"

Giovanna: "Something without which no ribbon-cutting ceremony could proceed. The ceremonial oversized scissors."

She takes them out of the box and Wallow takes them from her. "We'll get them there as quickly as we can."

-In the Neutral Zone-

Inside the New UOOPP Headquarters. The crew walks into the huge reception area.

Fionna: "Wow! There are a million aliens. I've never seen anything so mind—blowing."

"Ooh, they got muffins!" Cake runs across the room.

Glab, an Amphibiosan, stands at a podium. A grey man dressed in grey and an orange UOOPP sash stands behind her. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the UOOPP's magnificent new headquarters. A fitting home for an organization that has fostered peace throughout the universe. Even between the Insectoids and the Space Lizards."

A spotlight falls on a Space Lizard who is eating an Insectoid. He spits out the Insectoid and shakes its hand. Everyone applauds. "We also welcome our new allies from eacThe light shines all on earth's Nation's leaders.

At the bar, Wallow picks at a muffin and chats up someone. "So, what's it like on planet Amazonia?" The woman is a huge ten-foot-tall Neanderthal wearing a leopard skin and carrying a club. "Big rats there. I crush with club. Simple but effective."

"That's so interesting. Maybe we could get to know each other over a coffee."

Glab: "I can think of no better place for this centre of diplomacy than here in orbit around the Neutral Planet." [She turns to the grey man.] "What are your thoughts on this momentous occasion, Your Neutralness?"

Neutral President: "I have no strong feelings one way or the other." Everyone cheers, except one man.

Sam: "I don't trust these Neutrals, Kirk. With enemies you know where they stand but with Neutrals, who knows? It confuses me." Kirk sighs.

Wallow, Fionna, and Cake walk past with the scissors and Sam stops them. "Halt." They gasp. "Why, Cake, I do believe we've met."

Cake: "Yeah whatever. We're here to deliver the scissors for the ribbon-cutting."

Sam: "Then you're under arrest." He snatches the scissors away.

Fionna: "What for?"

Sam: "Due to recent reports on your crew activities. We've come to find you supicous especailly when working with the progeny of the order's biggest headache." Points to Wallow and Danny. "Plus how do I know these scissors aren't part of some plot?"

Fionna: "But they're not even sharp. Who could we possibly hurt with them?"

Zapp: "The Yarn People of Nylar 4?" He points at the pink creatures made of yarn. "So, a plan to assassinate a weird-looking alien with scissors. How very Neutral of you."

Bravest Warriors meet Fionna and CakeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant