[50] The Phoenix against the White Tiger, and...

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I understood what she was doing, though. I was not a long-time enemy of hers whom she had a grudge against, it was the Gods. She knew I was only here because she attacked me first, so she was trying to calm the water. If she could turn a young human with as much power as mine into an ally, by taking a few angry hits from him, then why not?

"How about you join me, human?" she asked, just as I expected. "My family holds quite the influence in the underworld, you'll be treated well. Most humans are prejudiced against the name 'devil' but we aren't that bad. Relax and talk this through, alright?" she said, gently and recessively.

She sounded so nice, so understanding. However, that's not how the power dynamics worked in this world. Even if I am an exceptional human, I just attacked her. So even if she wanted me as an ally, usually she'd have beat me up first and then offered me that, with the word that'd be 'in exchange' for my life.

So why was she being so considerate and kind?

Because she's weak and would lose against me. She's not confident of winning, so she is trying to turn me into a friend. With my expression serious, I opened my human mouth to reply, while my tiger body still clashed with her. Before I could speak though, she thought she would try to pursue me a bit more.

"Your expression tells me what you're about to say anyway, so let me try again. How about I reincarnate you as a devil? You see, I have been unconscious for hundreds of years now, so I lack a peerage. How about I give you a good piece and reincarnate you? Are you aware of the devil chess piece system? I have the Queen Piece vacant, how about you take it?" she said with a smile on her face. "This level of power is wasted on a mere human body, such a worthless species. Become a devil, you'll be much, much more powerful than what you are right now."

I paused. For a moment, the strength behind my claws receded. She smirked feeling that, also drawing back her power. She nodded, "Wise choice, good boy."

"You dare?"


I swiped at her, a blur of silver and shadow, using Soulfire on my claws that raked across her tiny body, leaving deep, bleeding gashes.

"You dare insult humanity, you filthy bat-winged creature," I tried to not talk too much, but it came out on its own. It's hard to hold back some sides of mine when faced with triggering situations.

For example, when a lower race dares to insult humanity in front of me, I act up.

No, the Emperor.

She hissed in pain and was shot back, but I pressed the advantage. My powerful hind legs propelled me forward, and I lunged once more, this time aiming for her throat.

With lightning reflexes, she raised her hand, her palm glowing with a pulsating violet light. A shimmering shield of fire formed just in time, catching my attack inches from her neck.

"There is still time, I'll forgive you for attacking me, so stop-!" Ranefer tried to calm me, but she wasn't talking to the little Aqua side of me anymore.

I snarled, my hot breath mixing with the scent of her fear, and redoubled my efforts.

My claws flashed, raining icy blows upon her defenses, each strike hitting with the force of a battering ram. She grunted under the relentless assault, her shield flickering like a dying flame. Frustration crept into her eyes as I forced her to retreat, driving her back with my overwhelming strength.

With one final, ferocious swipe, I shattered her defenses. My claws tore through her shield, slicing across her chest, and she cried out in agony. My claws were coated in Soulfire, I was using it to amplify her pain many folds, that's why even someone like her who was used to having her head severed and regrown, cried. The cold Qi from my Avalanche Divinity helped me hurt her better, and all the pain spread through her soul.

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