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While the group rushes to Bhaal's temple, Shiv is at the altar. She remembers seeing Halsin bound and the worry in her heart. She remembers all the evil she has done. There is no way for her to be redeemed. Not what after she has done. She let Sebastian die, she can still see it in her mind. She takes out Orin's dagger, she knows what she must do. She can't fall to Bhaal. She has lost everything. Death seems to be a sweet relief. She closes her eyes, and thinks of Gale. She knows he will find happiness again.

The group get to the temple and see Shiv at the altar holding the dagger, Gale tries to run to her but an invisible barrier stops him. "Shiv! We're here! You can be redeemed. You are no monster! You beat Bhaal once before you can do it again!" Gale shouted.

Shiv did not hear him, did not know her friends were there. She got up and looking at the stone skull in the room, she said? "I will not become a slave to your murderous rampages once more!"

Genn says a spell and gets the barrier down. Gale is about to cast Misty Step when Shiv plunges the dagger into her stomach and falls to the floor. Gale turns white as he misty steps to her. "Shiv, oh gods no why? Why?!" He cries to her as he gets on the floor and holds her. Shiv looks up at him, and says, "You... deserve... better..." Shiv takes a shallow breath and slumps in Gale's arms. "Shadowheart!!! Halsin!!! Please do something!" He cries to them. Shadowheart and Halsin run to them and try to heal Shiv. Shadowheart casts Revifiy over and over.

Astarion, seeing what Shiv has done, slumps to the floor, tears in his eyes. "No... First Sebastian, and now..." He starts sobbing uncontrollably. Cazador, kneels to the floor and puts an arm around his shoulder, Astarion then turns to embrace him and cries into his chest, almost like a kid to their father, Cazador was taken aback but wrapped his arms around him. He wasn't sure what to do, but wanted to let him cry it out. Genn and his other companion walk towards Shiv and Gale, looking down at her, Genn says, "Oh Shiveria, what a life you led. However, fate is not done with you yet. The world needs you, it needs you and your party to be alive." Genn and the other woman with him shimmer as they change shape. What appears in their place is Mystra, the Goddess of Magic, and Kelemvor, God of the dead.

Gale looked on in shock. "Mystra, what... why are you here?" He says in an angry sort of tone. Mystra looks at him and smiles. "I had to disguise us." she said, cooly as she turned back to Kel.

"Someone when they found out what fate had orignally planned for you, came to my realm and begged to intervene. At the time, I did not know what I know now. His name was.. Sebastian I think." Astarion at that shot up, as Cazaodor placed a hand on his shoulder. "What/" Astarion asks.

Kel continues, "Come back, Shiveria Dekarios. It is not your time yet." He waves his hand, as a mist comes out, and before Gale can react Shiv starts to breathe again but she is asleep. "It will take her a few days to wake, but she will. Be ready." With that Kel and Mystra disappear in a cloud of mist. Gale, still in shock look at Shiv sleeping. He was so angry she did this, doesn't she know her death would have killed him? It was Shiv who deserved better, but she still chose to love him, him of all people. He knows they will need to talk, but first, he was going to take care of her. He picks her up and stands up with her in his arms. He turns to the group, "I know they mentioned, there is something coming, but I would like to take Shiveria back to Waterdeep, to let her recover."

Shadowheart nods, "I believe I may know of someone who can get you there quickly that is here. Elminster is in Baldurs Gate looking at some more tomes in Sorcerous Sundries." Gale chuckles. "Of course he is. Leads on, and we will reach out once she is well."

As Gale starts to walk with Shadowheart he looks down at Shiv. The urge may not be gone, but they beat this one, they can do so again. They have to.

The Urge returnsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz