Words you wish you can take back..

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It took about a month and several tendays to get to Waterdeep, which Gale kept count with Astarion's complaints about the horse. They made it to the west gate where Gale's tower stood. As they walked in they noticed a purple parlor, that had a winding staircase. On the next floor, was a room lined with books that overlooked out to the sea. As Shiv admired this room Gale led the others into guest rooms on that floor. Once they settled in Gale went close to Shiv and whispered. "Now, let me show you to our bedchamber.." He swept her off her feet as she giggled upstairs to his bedchamber.

Shiv woke up the following day in Gale's room. It was a nice purple bed with purple blankets. He did love the color purple. Shiv had a nightmare and was sweating. She looked around for Gale, but he was not there. She then heard a knock at the door and someone opened the door, Halsin.

"Hey, everyone went into town for shopping and I stayed behind to meditate. Are you okay?" You are drenched." Halsin ran to her side. "I am fine, I just.. had a nightmare. What time is it?" Halsin looking at her, late but the sun is going to be up soon." Halsin leaves to go get a bowl of water and a cloth for Shiv and comes back to wipe her face. "Thank you Halsin, You don't need to do this." "I feel like I should. You need to take care of yourself more."

Shiv sighed. She knew he was right, but when Shiv sleeps sometimes she sees things, and hear things. She let Halsin keep washing her face, and was so lost in her thoughts she did not hear nor see Gale enter the room.

"So, I see that did not take long." Gale said. face flushed with red angry. Shiv looked at him puzzled. "What are you talking about?" she said. "Your cheeks are flushed, there is a twinkle in your eye and I fear it is no longer because of me." Gale says in a low tone. "Now, Gale that is not what has happened I was just.." Halsin said before Gale errupted at him "DON'T YOU CODDLE ME YOU DUNG GOBLIN. I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE PLANNING. EVER SINCE THAT NIGHT AT THAT BROTHEL." Shiv looked at him scared, her blood ran cold. He is still upset about that night?

"Gale, if you would have told me you did not want to, I would have stopped it, but you agreed. I also married you as I love you and only you. Halsin just was..." "No, don't even bother trying to explain it away. I know what he was planning and you are naieve. Maybe this marriage was a mistake." Gale said throwing his ring on the table as he stormed out. Shiv looked at the ring on the table with tears welled up in her eyes. She ran out of the room and out of the tower before Halsin could talk to her.

What was that? Gale is not usually that angry. I sense something is wrong.. Halsin thought to himself. He had no impure thoughts, though he did want Shiv more after that night, but respected Gale did not want to share Shiv. He takes a scroll out of his pack. Hold Person. Looks like to figure this out he is going to have to use it.

Halsin desends where Gale is fuming. Shadowheart, Astartion and Sebastian are all looking on in horror after seeing Shiv run out crying. Gale sees Halsin and charges at him. Before he can even get to him, Halsin uses the scroll on Gale and it freezes him. "Now, lets see what is going on here." Halsin channels the Oakfather to see what he can find that is the cause of this sudden outburst.

Shiv ran to the cemetery on the otherside of town, upset. She figured giving Gale time to cooldown would be best. She felt empty and alone. He never gets that angry, not like that. Was he really that jealous? Shiv was lost in thought when Velrin shimmered by her. "I told you he was lying about Mystra." he said. Shiv jumped back and got her bow out ready to fight. "Woah sister, calm down." "I out to kill you where you stand." Shiv said with gritted teeth. "But you won't because you know I'm right. They are not your real family. They never were. He got angry and accused you of something untoward with Halsin because he is projecting onto you his guild.

Shiv felt her world come to a halt. No, no way... but it can't be, could it? "Father is willing to welcome you back into the fold dear sister, with your real family. We would never abandon you." Velrin said. "Just think, back where you belong. A bhaalspawn belongs in the shows murdering, not this adventuring life." Shiv thought about what he said and looked at her hands. She knew they had blood on them, so many innocents, maybe.. he is right.

"What do I need to do brother?" Shiv said as she looked at him, her willing her mind to go blank. Velrin smiles cozily and smug, he had won. "Take my hand sis and come with me. I will tell you everything once we get to Neverwinter." Shiv takes his hand and they shimmer away. In the shadows, a cloaked figure was watching them. "This is not good, Gale and the rest need to know." As the figure slunked back into the shadows.

Halsin spent several hours looking over Gale, and realized someone was heightening his emotions. Putting false stories into his head. Halsin was able to remove it but this confirmed what he feared. This was a set up. He released Gale from Hold Person as Gale calms down. "Feeling better Gale?" Halsin asked. Gale looked up at him, feeling stupid. "Yeah, and I am sorry Halsin. I should have never have gotten that angry and said what I said." "Someone was toying with you in your mind. For what purpose I am not sure, but that is something we can find out." Gale realized in a cold sweat, what he said to Shiv. He needs to apologize to her. He blots to the bedroom and noticed she is gone and he sees his ring on the table, he grabs it and puts it back on his finger. Gale rushes back down. "Has Shiv come back? Do we know where she went?" Gale asked. Shadowheart shook her head, wanting to rip his head off but knew it would not do any good. Astarion was going to wait for nightfall to go looking for her.

"She is gone, but I know where she is going and what has happened." An unknown voice said. The group turns and sees a shadow figure wearing a hood. Sebastian looked at the figure. "Who.. who are you?" The figure removed his cloak to reveal his identity. It was none other then the mindflayer who shielded you from sharing such a fate. The Emperor.

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