All best laid plans

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Gale finally finishes packing and hoist his pack over his shoulder. He hopes soon they can return and start their life together. He ascends down the stairs to the entrance where he sees, Elminster and Shiveria with her bag. She is laughing and smiling with Elminster. Gale takes a moment, and just enjoys the view.

Elminster sees him. "Ah good your here! I can open a portal to Cazador's palace. Where Astarion and Cazador await you." Gale furrowed his brow. "I thought they did not want to stay there." "Well, Astarion thought it would be safer to plan there. Also, I think they want to go to Avernus and see if there is a way to bring Wyll and Karlach back."

Gale sighed, as Elminster prepares the portal. He turns to Shiv and takes her hand. "Are you ready love? Once we get Wyll and Karlach, we can then plan on how to remove your darkness." Shiv smiles at him. "Yes, I am ready." Elminster finishes the portal and Gale and Shiv step through.

                                                                                  Cazador's Palace in the Basement

Astarion stabs a Bhaal Cultist in the neck and slices his head off. "How in the hells did they get in?!" He shouted. Shadowheart casts Sacred Flame.. and it misses as she slams the cultist with her mace. Halsin in his bear form mauls some others down. Cazador casts a fire bolt to a group of them. "Good question. One I would like to know." Cazador says as he steps over bodies. Just then, a portal opens and he raises his staff ready to attack when he sees Gale and Shiv step through. Cazador sighs with relief. "Thank the Gods. You two are a sight for sore eyes." He said as he laughs and hugs Shiv. Shiv, in shock returns the hug. "I thought you would all hate me for what I have done." Astarion scoffs, "Of course we do not hate you! It was not your fault." Shiv breaks the hug and smiles at everyone. "I am glad everyone is okay..." She looks at all the bodies. "Uh, what happened?" Astarion starts to gesture with his hands, "It is a long story, but the cult has seemed to found us here." "Shit. So we need to find a safe haven then." Shiv said. 

Shadowheart then cocks her head. "Well, we were planning on going back to the house of hope to see if we can bring Wyll and Karlach back.. Maybe we head there now?" 

"No. Too risky. We still need a plan on how especially with her infernal engine." Halsin stated, morphing back to his Elf form. 

Cazador was reading a book and reads a passage. "Wait, this might be something. This talks about something that can help the engine." Cazador goes to the group and show them. "It looks like in Avernus, there is this coolant that can be used. Infuse it with magic, we could use it to cool it down permanently, and bring her home. " Halsin takes the book and looks at the page. "Well, it seems possible for sure. It will be dangerous and we will need time to prepare." Shiv nods. "We can do this. We will bring Karlach and Wyll back, and save Baldur's Gate from Bhaal. Hopefully, I can get the urge removed as well." She smiles at the group. Everyone huddles together in a group hug, their bond strong.

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