The long road

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The group have been on the road for the last month and a half. They buried Sebastian under a tree outside of Neverwinter. Astarion since then has been riding Halsin in his bear form but hasn't talked since he died. While Gale, Shadowheart, and Cazador rode horseback. Alfira decided to remain in Neverwinter. Cazador have been hunting for both him and Astarion, but besides feed he does nothing else. He feels a tug at his heart, but why? I don't have any emotions. They were beaten out of me long ago. Not to mention... I was the one who turned Astarion and the others and treated them the way I was. Cazador looks down. Can I change who I am now? Could I made ammends somehow? Cazador looked up at the night sky. "Dawn will be soon. Is there a town or something up ahead?" "There is. We are almost at it." Shadowheart assured him. Astarion did not move an inch. Gale, on the other hand has been just as down. He had Shiv's ring in his pocket and he touches it now and then. Shiv... Gale feels a tear coming down his cheek. "We're almost to the town!" Shadowheart exclaims. It takes about 10 minutes to get there but standing near the Inn was some old guy with an old book. As Shadowheart procures a room for them, Gale gets a weird feeling about the man. Shadowheart waves them on as Halsin transforms back and goes into the room with the others. It was one big room, similar to what they had in Elfsong Taven. Astarion sulks off to a bed as Cazador takes the bed next to him to look after him. Then, Gale collapses to the floor sobbing. Shadowheart and Halsin look stunned. He has never been like this.

Shadowheart kneels and tries to comfort him. Gale pulls away in pain. Just as he pulled away, a knock at the door was heard. Cazador gets up and walks to the door, and opens it. It was a man and a woman both looking in their older years. Gale looked up, and noticed it was indeed the man he saw. The man, with a grey coat and white beard with a grey wizard hat, the woman who wore an old looking dress with a cane. The man took off his hat and said, "Greetings! I have come to help you." He said. Cazador, suspicious asked him, "Help us with what?"
"Why, to save your friend! I had a feeling you have someone in danger yes?" Gale eyed him as he got off the floor. "How would you know?" The man smiled and said, "Because I saw where she was headed, and we have to get back to Bhaal's temple to save her."

Gale looked shocked. "How do you know this?"
"That does not matter right now my boy. If you are to save Baldur's Gate, you will need everyone. We got a long road ahead. Let's get moving."

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