The Ceremony

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The group got into Bhaal's temple disguised as Aspirants for Bhaal. Astarion and Sebastian took the guards spots by Alfira and Cazador, ready to free them when the signal was given. The guards are subdued elsewhere.

"Now my brothers and sisters, it is time for the rightful Chosen to take her place among us. With her, we shall lead an army and take over the world for Bhaal!" Velrin erupted as the crowd goes wild. Just then Shiveria comes out clad in blood like armor. Gale looked at her, and saw pure hatred. He prayed they were not too late.

"Bring the first victim forward!" shouted Velrin. As one guard led some small boy screaming and crying for his mommy as the guard held him ready for the kill. Shiv approached with Orin's dagger, ready to strike. She smile the most wicked smile. She was ready.

"Stop!" cried out a voice. The chamber went quiet. Valeria in her robes come onto the stage and prys them off. "Valeria! This is a surprise. Came to celebrate with us?" Velrin asked sarcastically.

Valeria ignores Velrin and looks at Shiveria. "Sister please, hear me. This is not you. You have your family that loves you. It is not Bhaal. It is Gale, Astarion, Shadowheart... Halsin." Shiv snarled, "You mean the same who abandoned me? The one who thought I would cheat on him the minute I could? That is not family. Bhaal has always loved me." "Shiv, it is not true. Velrin is using you..." "Enough! I grow tire of this conversation. I think my first kill will be you sister." As shiv heads toward Valeria she calls out, "Guys! Now"

Gale, Shadowheart, Halsin rush the middle. Astarion and Sebastian then kneel near Alfria and Cazador. "Can you fight?" Astarion asks both of them. "I can try, but I am just a bard. Not sure what I can do." Astarion frees her and hands her a sword. "Stick them with the pointy end." Cazador shakes his head. "I... I don't want to fight, my Master will lash me if I even think of it." Sebastian and Astarion broke at that sentence. Astarion goes near him, "I was able to defy my master and become much more than a pawn. You can too." Cazador looks at him, eyes full of hope. He then nods and Astarion gives him daggers.

"Well well we are surrounded, Shiv can you handle them?" Velrin asked. He saw Astarion, Alfira and Cazador join the fight. "Oh I can brother," Shiv said.

Velrin shimmers into the darkness. "Shiv, please, I was wrong, I was just jealous." Gale tries to plead. Shiv lunges at him and tries to stab him but Gale was able to dodge. Shadowheart takes her chance and throws the chains she had prepared which shackles Shiv and she Roars.

"Let's get out of here." said Shadowheart. Halsin grabs Shiveria and everyone runs back to the Sleepy Dragon Inn.

Shiv gets chained in the basement as she snarls and growls. They were in the basement as they try to figure out how to get back to Baldur's Gate.

"I can just open another portal." said The Emperor. "It would be hard to get Shiv through though." said Shadowheart. Gale was ignoring them all as he looked at Shiv as she growled, and made threats. He wonders if there is a way to get through to her. "Either way, I want to get through to Shiv first. There might be a way." Halsin said. "I think I can open up a portal to her inner self. Similar to what we did to Thaniel. Only thing is only one person can go in, and would need to bring her humanity back."

"I'll do it. I was the one who started this, and I will be the one to finish it." said Gale. Halsin nodded, but Astarion and Shadowheart, were concerned. "Are you sure Gale?" asked Astarion. Gale nodded. "She is my wife after all, and I will do anything to save her, to get one more chance to tell her, ans to get her humanity back.. so we can live our lives together. I want to have children with her."

This shocked everyone but Sebastian, Cazador, and Alfira, who looked confused. "At one point Gale thought himself not father material." Shadowheart said to them, seeing their confused looks. Cazador nodded. "I would not see myself in that light either. I am destined to become a monster. I have no decent bones in my body." Cazador says she he walks upstairs. Astarion is conflicted. The vampire Cazador was a cruel master but the spawn version of him was... just like him. Astarion goes after him, as Gale prepares to go save his wife.

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