Three days

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A knock came at the door of the Sleeping Dragon Inn room Halsin was in. He opened the Door to see Archdruid Valeria, a high elf similar to Shiveria, with very similar hair color.

"Well met, old friend." Halsin said with a warm smile.

"Halsin, it has been far too long." She looks around the room and sees the group she was told much about. Astarion and Sebastian, Shadowheart and Gale were by the table.

"So Halsin, what brings you here? You said in your letter, you could not explain until you arrived."

"It is about a friend of ours, Shiveria." Halsin starts to explain.

Valeria's eyes went wide. "Shiveria, The Bhaalspawn who defied Bhhal?"

"You know of her?" Gale asked as he shot up.

Valeria closed her eyes. "I more than just know her. She is my Sister."

Years Earlier

Valeria was at the temple of Bhaal in her quarters. She never really wanted to kill, but she was looking for the right moment to escape. Velrin storms in a huff.

"What is your problem now Velrin?" She asked

"Fucking Shiveria gets all of Father's praise. All she does is plot with Gortash. What has she done to be deemed worthy?!" He demanded.

"Well for starters. your still young. Shiv is the Eldest after all. You and Orin really need to learn patience." Valeria said, toying with her dagger.

"I WILL SHOW YOU PATIENCE ALLRIGHT" Velrin shouted. He tries to lunge for Valeria when he feels a hand gripping his arm before he even has a chance. He swings around to see Shiveria standing there.

"Why you little..." Velrin said.

"Hush, brother. Valeria has the right of it. You are young, and have yet gone through the ceremony. You will though, in time.: Shiv said to him.

Velrin storms off.

"He is going to be a wild one." Valeria said.

Shiv looked back at her sister. "Perhaps, but he could be useful. I plan on meeting Gortash soon with Bhaal's netherstone to put our plan in motion."

"So, you plan to go through with it. " Valeria asked.

"Yes, it is what Father wants. I will be back soon." Shiv walks out of the room. That was the last time Valeria saw her.

Present day

"Since that day, I was able to make my escape but I had heard Shiv was able to defy father. That gave me so much hope. I was surprised to find before your arrival, she and Velrin are now in Bhaal's temple now. In three days time, Velrin is holding a ceremony to welcome her back in the fold." Valeria said grimly.

"Is there anything we can do?" Gale asked. "I will not give up on her."

Valeria studied the wizard. "Possibly. She still has her humanity. That is something we can appeal to. However, we have three days to plan."

Valeria conjured up an image of Alfira, the bard Shiv killed in camp. "Velrin in his plan captured 100 souls to be sacrificed, but brought back two from the dead. The first is Alfira. The bard Shiv killed, as you know." said the archdruid. "Yes, I remember that day.  Shiv was besides herself for days over it. " Astarion said.

"The second one, well, is a bit tricky as he somehow resurrected a version of this one. Not the version you know of course." She warned as she showed the second image. Cazador, but a different version. He is not dressed as he was. He was wearing what looked like tattered clothing. Astarion and Sebastian looked at the imagine in horror. "As you may or may not know, Cazador was made into a spawn by Vellioth. Cazador tried to rebel in anyway he could, but Vellioth was a cruel master. He drained his friend dry in front of him, punished Cazador if he tried to have a relationship with anyone. This version of Cazador in his mind, it has only been six years since he was turned. Somehow Velrin resurrected this part of him. Before he became the monster he was.  A message he means to send I think." She dismisses the image. "They are to be sacrificed in three day's time, by Shiv's hand. After that, she will become Bhaal's again. We will need to stop this rite, if we are to bring Shiv back." Valeria looked at the others. Astarion and Sebastian looked at each other pale. "I do not want to save Cazador, not after what he has done to me, what he made me do to..." Astarion stopped. He could not bring himself to say it. Sebastian closed his hand around Astarion's. "Love, she is telling us he is not the man we know. He is essentially one of us in this form. What if there was a way he could be like us and help?" Sebastian asked.

"That is possible. It has been known that some can fight their masters." Halsin said looking over at Astarion. He sighed. He clearly was not comfortable with this but he also thought about Shiv and how she defied Bhaal once as well. Perhaps...

"Very well. What is your plan?" Astarion asked.

Valeria pulled a small book out. "We don't have much time but here is the plan.." as she talks to the group filling them in on the details.

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