Start from the beginning

It is pouring buckets outside and Caroline and Aurelia are stuck in Caroline's car. They are searching for a signal to call someone but to no avail. Caroline sighs and Aurelia aggressively shuts off the music, annoyed.

"Can't you do something?" Caroline asks Aurelia in a frustrated tone.

"Like what?" Aurelia asks, confused.

"Like magic. I don't know." Caroline answers.

"It doesn't work like that," Aurelia tells her, exasperated.

"What good is being a fairy if you can't do anything?," Caroline responds before groaning in annoyance. Aurelia doesn't bother responding. She just rolls her eyes with a huff and folds her arms over her chest. Caroline gets out of the car and opens up an umbrella as she steps out. She takes her phone with her, walking a little ways from the car to search for a signal. Aurelia turns back to her book.

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Elena bursts through the door into the room where they are holding Stefan. Damon and theo following behind her.

"E-Elena? No, you shouldn't be here," Stefan pants out from where he's strung up by his hands by rope.

"She was supposed to stay in the car," Damon tells him, looking at the other vampire tied up in the chair nearby.

"Obviously, she didn't listen." Theo adds. Damon twirls the stake in his hand and goes to stab the other vampire before Stefan stops him.

"No, no. Not him." Stefan says

"Buzzkill." Theo murmurs.

"Whatever." Damon says before pocketing the stake instead. "Let's get you down." Damon works on getting Stefan down.

"There's vervain on the ropes," Stefan tells them. Damon walks in front of where Stefan's hanging. Theo leans against the threshold of the room watching everything, bored out of his mind and questioning why he came. He only got to kill two people so far. A stealth plan is one thing, boring and lame plans are another.

"Elena, pull that," Damon orders her. Elena does so. Damon helps Stefan lean against a post to get his balance. "Alright, let's go." Theo begins to walk out of the room. Damon following behind him.

"Wait," Stefan pleads.

"What? Guys, come on." Damon says

"What now?" Theo rolls his eyes.

"We have to get out of here," Damon says, his sense of self-preservation coming back to him. Stefan pulls the stake out of the leg of the vampire in the chair with Elena helping him balance.

"Uhh" The vampire groans in pain.

"Come on. we gotta go." Damon says, annoyed and worried for their lives as he and Theo continue to be on the lookout for vampires.

"The other one," Stefan tells Elena. She pulls the other stake out of the vampire's other leg.

"Ahh" The vampire winces. Stefan leans on Elena as she guides him out of the room. They walk into the hall where Theo and Damon are waiting.

"Can you get him into the car?" Damon asks her.

"Yeah." Elena responds.

"Alright, go," Damon orders as Theo and him turn in a different direction.

"What about you and Theo?" Elena asks, stopping them.

"You rescue, we distract." Damon tells her. "Go." Elena continues on her way out of the house with Stefan. Theo and Damon walk up the stairs back to the main level of the house.

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