"It's possible because I don't have any" Hermione replied .

"What about Krum?" asked Harry

"We are  friends . That's it." Hermione replied after that they had to stop talking because Slughorn came to inspect their potion.

"So, you don't like anyone?" asked Harry picking up his bag hurriedly and striding behind Hermione to match her speed

"No. I don't . " Said Hermione turning back to look at him who gives her a look that clearly stated that he doesn't believe."Why would I lie .If there is something like that I would have told you ." She turns back and walks fast in order to reach in the next class on time.

"Just like you told me about Lockhart and Krum" Said Harry "That's not fair. You know everything about my relationships and stuffs and never told me about yours

"Are You not going to let it go?" asked Hermione turning towards him,when he joined her .

"Unless you confess that there is someone who remains constantly in your thoughts" Harry asked walking backward to face Hermione.

She stops walking at his question but he didn't realise that she stops unless he had already taken two backward steps . So he had to come forward to cover.

"Okay fine .I confess." Speaks Hermione in business like tone ." There is a boy who constantly remains in my thoughts and I find unable to think anything else .
.She looks at him with tight smile and walks forward, leaving him spotted at his place for few minutes.

"She confessed."Harry murmurs before walking behind her, squeezing between the crowd of  students." Who is he?" He shouted looking at her .

"You" She replied without turning back and he loses his balance , toppling over his own shoes and then on his bag.

"Harry"  Hermione shakes her head and runs towards her best friend after realising that the thud sound she heard is because of the fall of his bestfriend. She sits beside him , not knowing what to do with him as she can feel his emotions which is completely roller coaster filled with different kind of emotions that so suddenly rushed into him that it is hard for her to identify .But one thing she can see is his horrified expression.

"It's not like that" She clarified and he looks at him owlishily .

"You constantly remains in my thoughts because problems , deadly problems , keep visiting you as if they are your long lost friend or your first and true love "Hermione speaks with a deep sigh . "If at any point of time it forgot its  loyalty, you yourself take a step forward and invites it  through your ridiculously stupid behaviour . Understand".She hit him on his head from her bag before standing up.

"Ouch, Someone needs to break it to you that your bag is not flower and it contains so much heavy books " He stands up rubbing his head and follows Ron

"Where is Ron?" asked Hermione .

"May be with Lavender " said Harry shrugging his shoulder, noticing the absence of his bestfriend.

"Or May be with Luna" Speaks Hermione, looking at a particular direction.  Harry follows his sight and found Ron talking with Luna with a wide grin on his face.

"Nowadays he is too much impressed with her" Harry said looking at the duo."More than required " He glanced at Hermione.

"Do you think he likes her ?" asked Hermione , still looking at Ron.

"You think that? "Said Harry with surprise in his tone "Why is He  with Lavender?. "

"You are really thick when it comes to relationship" Hermione turns towards him.

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